Proposed List of diet for diabetics:we share you the best

The general rule for diabetics feed is to maintain an ideal weight
Foods to be avoided are : jam , sweets , honey, molasses, sugar cane , pancakes, mango , grapes , refreshments and water only if the food " Diet " , sugar , ice cream
Food be abuse with caution and small quantities are : rice , pasta , bread , and starches in general
Proposed the ideal diet is as follows
A quarter or half a loaf of bread my Normal
Three tablespoons Fava Beans 
Cup of coffee or tea and a few light or colorless sugar
2 tomatoes and bead option  and some  watercress

 Normal loaf or rice dish or Pasta is very small in size jelly dish
Vegetable soup without potatoes
Vegetable dish cooked Average ( does not contain dry Bean sush as cowpea ) contains squash or spinach , etc. .... abbreviated anything that green can cook and eat with the exception of taro , peas
Issued of chicken  , plum, peach, pear, apple, orange, mandarin ... if you want to eat a banana let only one pill .Green salad in any quantity as you wish the grilled or boiled ( skinless ) or two grilled fish at the middle size  ... taking into account avoid meat fried sush as Poviak
Such as food half quantity or sush as break fast of twice the quantity for insulin users
Yogurt and salad vegetables and fruit for those taking sugar pills to treat
about 60 grams of any type of cheese

Diet to lose 8 kg in 10 days!!!

The first day : any class Dairy skimmed ( yogurt - milk - milk Ribe - Cheese Quraish) + option or lettuce , but one class only throughout the day If any seem cheese Quraish + option and  today as well and divide on 3 or 5 meals and any quantity you want .
Second day: fruit one class throughout the day on 3 or 5 meals in any quantity you want , but beware in 5 forbidden fruits ( mangoes , bananas , dates , figs and grapes ).
Third day: like the first .
Fourth day: like the second .
Fifth day: any class of protein ( fish , chicken or meat , or eggs ) + cucumber or lettuce along today, but only one category (such as thickness with an option )
Ali 3 meals . amount you want .
Sixth day: vegetables boiled in water only, without any soup or cubes and you can put spices and salt as you want and  on 3 or 5 meals
Except ( potatoes , potatoes , peas , taro and legumes) .
Seventh Day : Fruit problem except the 5 banned throughout the day on 3 or 5 meals and in any quantity .
Eighth Day : like the first .
Ninth Day : green salad throughout the day on 3 or 5 meals in any quantity .
The tenth day : like the second .
After the end of the tenth day is rest for a period of one Aowoom

1 - No sugar completely ( possible sugar diet with tea or coffee )
2 - Drink water as you like at any time
3 - lemon juice only allowed in or time without sugar or sugar Diet

9 foods: avoid them before going to sleep!

Avoid these foods before going to sleep!

Eating before bedtime is one of the basic causes of obesity and obesity. You chose us a series of forbidden foods taken strictly prohibited by the freedom to sleep :

8 foods help you lose weight

- Pasta: The pasta contains a large amount of carbohydrates that turn into fat during sleep .

- Ice cream : ice cream , rich in sugar and fat so we recommend not dealt with before going to sleep . Some also alleged to have caused nightmares during the night.

- Celery: raise the proportion of water in the celery decisiveness causing bloating.

- Pizza : cheese and tomato hamper the process of digestion . The pizza is also the fatty food that cause obesity .

- Candy : Candy raise blood sugar and affecting the functioning of the brain during the night.

- Cereals and cornflakes : These foods contain high levels of sugar. We recommend eating Alcorn Flex healthy diet .

- Garlic : garlic hamper the process of digestion era has disturbing effects such as stomach acidity .

- Murr chocolate or dark : dark chocolate contains caffeine , a tonic for the body also contains the substance of the " theobromine " that speeds up the heart rate. We recommend in this case , if eating white chocolate .

- Red meat : Red meat is rich in fat and protein , which is not easily digestive stomach .

Ten obesity-related illnesses: threaten your health

Obesity can be defined as increase the storage of fat in the body. Men who increase the proportion of fat in their bodies for 25% of total body weight, and women over their own body fat for 30 % consider those who suffer from obesity .

There are many different ways in which they can classification of obesity . In terms of obesity can be divided into simple obesity , secondary obesity , and obesity associated with eating certain types of drugs and medicines. Obesity is one of the growing health problems , as are the door to many life - threatening diseases , which may turn your life into a living hell.

Explains Dr. Ramen Goel , head of obesity surgery in Nova Specialty Surgery in Mumbai , 10 reasons of Ppelmama , Obesity can be injurious to health .

1 - Type II diabetes

Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes type II. Studies show that the more body weight for normal weight , the greater the risk of developing diabetes . It should be noted that the lack of discipline and control diabetes can Ontaada to serious complications, such as high blood pressure , heart attacks , strokes, kidney failure , blindness, nerve damage and amputation of limbs .

2 - heart attack

Associated with both obesity and weight gain many of the factors that increase an individual 's risk of heart disease and vascular (heart attack ). It also said that the rumen or obesity in the abdominal area and one of the main risk factors that lead to heart disease.

3 - high blood pressure

Weight gain associated with high blood pressure . As that being overweight raises the risk of high blood pressure. Thus, the weight loss can help restore blood pressure to normal level. There is no wonder that doctors advise those who suffer from high blood pressure, exercising , and maintaining an ideal body weight .

4 - syndrome sleep apnea

Cause obesity syndrome sleep apnea , where the patient is suffering from snoring and an inability to sleep , while the feel sleepy throughout the day. The problem is one of the problems related to the respiratory system , where breathing stops intermittently during sleep. In addition to the sleep - related issue , the patient may develop apnea syndrome during sleep , high blood pressure , heart failure , and other diseases .

5 - gout

Some studies have reported that obese person susceptible to gout ( a medical problem that affects the joints) 4 times more than those who do not suffer from overweight. For patients with gout , they suffer from high levels of uric acid , which causes inflammation, redness and pain in the joints. Through weight loss , can decrease levels of uric acid in the blood.

6 - high cholesterol levels

The high level of cholesterol , a major risk for weight gain. Where obesity is working on the increased levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in the body. In general , people who are obese , have low levels of good cholesterol . It is worth mentioning that the high levels of bad cholesterol , low cholesterol Djidwi the body of the main reasons for the hardening of the arteries , which leads to a narrow blood vessels , causing heart attacks .

7 - GERD Gastroesophageal

Recent research has reported that obesity, lead to increased incidence of infectious بارتجاع esophagus . The cause of obesity increase flashbacks because abdominal fat put pressure on a muscle in the lower part of the esophagus - the tube that is 10 inches long , and the linking throat, stomach , and prevents the stomach from acid reflux again. And cause the condition of stomach burning .


8 - Osteoporosis

Overweight adds pressure and additional loads on the joints such as the knees, and thus , they are considered a risk factor for osteoporosis. It should be noted that the increase in body weight , put more pressure and the load on the surfaces of the joints , which in turn infect damaged.

9 - Cancer

Medical Research concluded that obesity plays an important role in cancer , and that people who are obese more susceptible to cancer risk over their lives . Obese people also increase the chances of contracting cancer of the bowel, breast and esophagus .

10 - Heart Failure

Scientific research suggests all over the world that the increase in body mass index ( BMI ) are associated with an increased risk of heart failure .