Lose weight by a complete diet for 4 weeks:we share you the best

Basic information before you follow any diet to lose weight

Before you follow any system for weight loss is necessary to ensure suitability for the state of health ,   thorough medical examination , and make some laboratory tests ,this are some tips that should be followed with any diet ..

Regularity to eat three meals (best to lose weight)
You should eat three meals without deleting any meal, but  the time between meals not less than  five hours , and the food item can be deleted or more of any meal, but you can not delete the meal itself .

Switching between meals allowed
It is possible replace  the dinner meal by salad green or fresh fruit allowed , without that detracting from the effectiveness of the diet, can also be re- food meal at night instead of dinner, as well as can be replaced lunch dinner .

Some systems also feature the possibility of eating any food amounts of nutrients listed  , as long as you do not specify quantities , provided they do not add any food item not mentioned the meal .

Fluid intake is essential in the diet ..very important to lose weight
Must drink 2 cups of water before each meal , the greater the intake of water , the better , as is recommended to take large amounts of liquids allowed during the process of weight loss , and these fluids; are: water, tea,  , coffee, hibiscus , peppermint, cinnamon , Aletilio , star anise , lemon juice .. The Eating Diet vessels can father, and should preferably be tea without milk , but is not allowed to use regular sugar or fructose sweetener, and can be replaced by alternative sugars ; such as : Diet Sweet , Alkndrell ... Etc. .

Can be replaced salad by  vegetables poached
Some people prefer not to take salad, and in this case can be replaced salad  vegetables poached ; but prevents eating onions, carrots and peppers by salad, and can be eating with vegetables cooked only on the condition that the vegetables boiled water only , and forbidden potatoes, taro, and legumes such as peas and beans and chickpeas, lentils, thermos beans , and prevents the use stock fresh and cubes the like Almagi and others .

Starches can be replaced with each other and each other proteins
Meat, can bungle , can replace meat with fish or chicken grilled or boiled , taking into account that the meat completely free of fat, and that the chicks skinned , and forbidden mutton , and the tuna must drain completely from oil and rinsed with vinegar .

Starches can replace each other , it can be replace rice with pasta , or vice versa, taking into account not add margarine or oil or butter to the food, but allowed Add salt, pepper and spices and lemon .

Eating fresh vegetables between meals allowed ..lose weight
When you feel hungry can eat cucumbers and lettuce between meals , but completely prevent eating fruits between meals only when you feel very tired , and in this case could be dealt with the fruit of grapefruit, must also bear in mind that there are some fruits are prohibited during the diet ; are:  , mango , figs, bananas, apricots , grapes, , cream , and cherries .

Install the necessary weight after diet
Must be taken not to retrieve the lost weight after slimming process(lose weight) ; because this is harmful to health , and therefore must follow Cruise weight after the completion of the slimming process
in the end I hope you lose weight you want...

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