Diet .................. Special diet for pregnant ...................... foods forbidden addressed to pregnant .................... . Proper foods for pregnant women

Prepare well for your diet, even if you eat properly

Since you are preparing to stage a day motherhood , it is important to do a lot of vitamins and minerals ( such as folic acid and iron ) and calories ( to some extent) and you are progressing in the stages of pregnancy .
If your diet is poor, is becoming increasingly important shift towards meals were delicious and nutritious and balanced . Cut down on foods is useful not only gives you the calories nutrient lacking or non-existent .
The body becomes more efficient when Waiting child , also takes better advantage of the energy that you get it through food. Usually, women do not need more calories during the first six months of pregnancy , and only about 200 extra calories a day between the third and seventh months of pregnancy. During the last three months of pregnancy, women need an additional 400 calories a day.
Equivalent to 200 calories :
• full two pieces of toast with jam , and half a cup of low - fat milk
• potato ( medium size) and 90 grams of grilled chicken breast
• full two slices of toast with 60 grams of low-fat cheese and half a cup of apple juice
The appetite that fluctuate and fluctuate during a pregnancy is the best indicator of the amount of food that you need :
• may impair your appetite in the first few weeks a lot , you do not feel you eat proper meals , especially if you suffer from disgust and nausea.
• In the middle of the journey of pregnancy , probably remain your appetite as it was before pregnancy or slightly increasing .
• You're going towards the final stage , multiply the chances of increased appetite. But if you suffer from heartburn or a feeling of fullness after eating, you workout multiple small meals and that may help .
The best rule in mind is to eat when you feel hungry . Do not worry about changing levels of appetite as long given advice about the types of foods that you need and getting your weight at a reasonable rate monitored by your doctor or midwife.

Eat the right kinds of fish

 We recommend that pregnant women and children who are under 16 years not to eat shark, swordfish , marlin , because they may contain unsafe levels of mercury natural .
It also recommends that pregnant women and nursing mothers or women planning to birth , not to eat more than 4 cans of tuna measurement center or two pieces of fresh tuna per week. We mean this advice two packets of tuna measuring the middle weighing each and every one of them 140 grams when cooking and 170 grams , which is raw. There are many options available from the fresh fish market and famous
Fish contains proteins, minerals, and vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids , which your child is unable to take advantage of them if it abstained completely. Know more about the benefits of fish for the growth of the fetus and how to introduce a balanced and appropriate quantity of fish to your diet .

Some foods are prohibited

During pregnancy, you should avoid the following foods :
• uncooked seafood such as oysters or sushi is frozen .
• white cheese , rotting , and blue , soft and rotten to slash blue . All of these species may contain " Listeria " , a bacteria that can harm your baby .
• well- cooked foods such as meat , chicken, and eggs ( you cook the meat to disappear any part pink , and eggs until it becomes rigid ) . All of them can be a source of bacteria harmful to an unborn baby
• We also must stay away from the liver and its derivatives such as liver sausage , for the possibility they contain large amounts of vitamin A retinol , which may affect doing it too much negative impact on the development of the fetus .
• It is important for some women to avoid peanuts and foods that contain it . If you or your spouse or any of the children have allergies such as hay fever , asthma or eczema , stay away from peanuts during pregnancy and breast-feeding reduces the chances of having a baby with a severe allergy to peanuts .
• may want to reduce the consumption of caffeine. Maybe this is it easy for women dealing with during the first stage of pregnancy , but this case does not apply to everyone. Why caffeine is considered a potential source of problems? Research has linked the consumption of more than 500 mg of this article a day and increase the likelihood of miscarriage or the birth of low- weight baby . Dry securing this aspect , you must abide by not more than three cups of instant coffee , or six cups of tea. Although there is no conclusive evidence that caffeine consumption in reasonable quantities can harm your baby , perhaps better shift to hot drinks and Coca-Cola .

Eat a vitamin and mineral tablets suitable for the pre - natal period

In an ideal world free of morning sickness and symptoms of food , it becomes a balanced diet summary of what you expect pregnant they need . But in the real world , you may believe tablets additional vitamins and minerals for pregnant women to meet their food needs .  ask your doctor about the need to pills , vitamins and minerals .
Folic acid is one of the disks that are dealt with is particularly important before getting pregnant and during the first three months of it. The B vitamin deficiency has to do with neural tube defects at birth , such as steel or spina bifida Ashram ( while not the backbone closes completely). Women are advised to take 0.4 mg (400 micro grams ) of folic acid in the form of tablets since planning to give birth until the twelfth week of pregnancy.
Some experts advise that taken from tablets containing 5 micro grams of vitamin D a day and that you can get through 3 cups of vitamin D fortified milk . If you do not you get a sufficient amount of sunlight on your skin , you may put yourself at risk of vitamin D deficiency . Visit your doctor about to get personal advice in this regard.
In later pregnancy, some women need to iron tablets . Is measured by the proportion of iron in your body throughout pregnancy , the doctor or midwife advise your additional individual needs .
If you are a strict vegetarian , or you have a specific health status , such as diabetes or gestational diabetes or preeclampsia , or anemia or a history of low birth weight , talk with your doctor or midwife about special disks that may need it .
However , remember that a lot of thing sometimes to the detriment : vitamin A pills , which may contain retinol , the animal form of vitamin A, can be toxic for you and your baby if consumed in large quantities . The vitamin A , which contains carotene type plant is safe in pregnancy. The high doses of most vitamins and minerals carry the possibility of damage to you and your child's growth .

Do not try to lose weight during pregnancy

The diets during pregnancy a source of danger to you and your child's development . Some diets lacking in iron , folic acid , and others a lot of important vitamins and minerals . Always remember that weight gain is a positive signs of pregnancy health .
The women who eat well and earn an appropriate weight , often give birth to healthy babies . If you eat whole , fresh foods and increase your weight , relax because your body will increase the magnitude !
If you are overweight , you can improve your diet by moving away from prepared foods and during exercise (but check with your doctor first in this regard ). Research has shown that in such circumstances, it is not getting more secure of kilograms or even less of your weight during pregnancy , because the fat stored in your body , your baby will provide the necessary calories .
Gradually increase the weight

Vary the process of increasing weight among persons associated with many factors . Clinics no longer prenatal care measure the weight of pregnant women as there is no conclusive evidence on the effect of weight gain in particular on child health .
It seems that the rate of weight gain during pregnancy is between 8 and 15 kg. Focus on the need to address the health food of a lot of carbohydrates , fruits and vegetables and a moderate amount of protein and little fat and sugars.
The importance of weight gain , such as the importance of an average year. Weights of most women increases slightly in the first stage of pregnancy and rises steadily registered the highest rate in the third phase which is more periods in which the fetus grows .

I eat several meals every few hours

Even if you do not feel hungry , your baby may be hungry, so try to eat every four hours. If morning sickness (or all day ) or lack of desire for food or heartburn or indigestion make eating a chore annoying , you may see the solution easier to eat five or six small meals instead of three main meals .
Remember that your child is in the process of growth and food needs to be constantly, so do not miss meals offer .

Treat yourself and enjoy food and drink on special occasions

You do not have to cut off completely with all your favorite foods just because you're pregnant. But we must not be modified foods , fast food and candy sugar - saturated Gen. basis for your diet. You can eat a banana as a snack instead of luxury ice cream , or drink iced fruit instead of the canned apricots in sugar juice . Do not feel guilty if swallowed pills on one occasion biscuits .

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