lion diet

The lion is a magnificent animal that appears as a symbol of power, courage and nobility on family crests, coats of arms and national flags in many civilizations.

 lion dietLions at one time were found from Greece through the Middle East to northern India, but today only a small population remains in India.lion diet In the past lions lived in most parts of Africa, but are now confined to the sub-Saharan region.

Most cat species live mainly solitary existence, but the lion is an exception. lion dietHe developed a social system based on teamwork and a division of labor of labor in the pride and unity of the family, but closed around a group of related females.

 The average pride consists of about 15 people, including five to 10 females with their young andlion diet two or three territorial males that are usually brothers or pride mateslion diet.

Physical Characteristics
Generally a tawny yellow, lions, like other species, tend to be lighter in color in hot, arid areas and darker in areas of dense vegetation.lion diet Mature male lions are unique among the cat species for the thick mane of brown or black hair around the head and neck. lion dinette tails of lions end in hot column covered with a tuft of hair.

Lions are found in savannas, grasslands, dense bush and forestlion diet.

Women are 85 to 90 percent of the pack hunting, while the males patrol the territory and protect the pride,lion diet because they are "lion's share" of female prisoners. Resting, lions seem to enjoy good fellowship with lots of touching, head rubbing, licking and purring.

 But when it comes to food, each lion is delivered. lion dietThe disputes and fights are common men,lion diet adult usually eat first, followed by the females and then the little ones.

Lions are the laziest of cats. Usually go for 16-20 hours a day sleeping and resting, devoting the remaining hours to hunting, courting or protecting their territory. They keep in touch with each other, screaming loud enough to be heard up to five miles away. The pride usually remains intact until the males are challenged and successfully driven away or killed by other men,lion diet who are in charge.

 Not all lions live in packs. At maturity, young males leave the units of their birth and spend several years as nomads before they become strong enough to be proud of themselves. Some are constantly wandering and follow the migrating herds, lion debut the nomadic life is much more difficult, with little time for rest or race.

In the pride, the territorial males are the fathers of all the cubs.lion diet When a lioness in heat, the male will join her, be with her constantly. Generally, co-pair for less than one minute, but it does every 15 to 30 minutes for a period of four to five dayslion diet.

Lions may hunt at any hour, but typically go after large prey at night. They hunt together to increase their success rate, since prey can be difficult to catch and can outrun a single lionlion diet. Lions are deployed on a broad front or semicircle up to the dam. Once with few stops, which tied into the frightened animals, hit one and kill with a bite to the neck or throat. Hunts succeed half the time.

Diet the best lion diet
Cooperative hunting enables lions to take prey as large as wildebeests, zebras, buffaloes, young elephants, rhinos, hippos and giraffes, any of which can provide several meals for the pride. Mice, lizards, tortoises, warthogs, antelopes and even crocodiles also form part of the diet of a lion. Because they often assume kills made by hyenas, cheetahs and leopards, Recycling food provides more than 50 percent of their diet in areas like the Serenest plainslion diet.

Caring for the young
Litters consist of two or three cubs that weigh about 3 pounds each. Some mothers carefully maintained young, others may neglect or abandon them, especially when food is scarce. Usually two or more females in a pride give birth at the same time,lion diet and children are raised together.

 A lioness cubs other than her own to suckle, sometimes enabling a neglected child to survive. Hunters can two years, lions become fully grown between 5 and 6 years and normally live about 13 years.lion diet

Lions have long been killed in rituals of bravery, as hunting trophies and for their medicinal and magical. Although lions are protected in many parts of Africa, were once considered varmints actions raids and died instantly. In some areas, livestock predation remains a severe problem.this all thing about lion diet..

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