diet bird:What to Feed Birds

The best guarantee a long and healthy life to your bird feeding is a healthy diet. Many pet birds die at an early age from malnutrition or diseases that are secondary to malnutrition. The average life of a company budgie is 10 years. Wild parrots have been known to live 25 yearsdiet bird. The difference is in your diet.
The birds in the parrot family foraging in nature.

 They eat whatever happens to be in season or available. Their diet consists of fruits, seeds, insects, and whatever they can find. Feeding pet birds seed diet is not natural or nutritiousdiet bird.

The habit of feeding poultry diets seed company began a few years ago,diet bird when wild birds were captured and imported into our country first. This was due in large part to a profound lack of information and knowledge at the time of the nutritional needs of birds and seed contentdiet bird. Birds are particularly susceptible to nutritional deficiencies because they have a high metabolic rate. (Metabolic rate of an animal indicates the amount of calories you burn to keep.) Birds are high in calories and inadequate nutrition will quickly develop a state of malnutrition and poor healthdiet bird.

The seeds are very high in fat (especially sunflower, safflower and peanuts), low calcium, low in protein and almost devoid of vitamins. diet birdThe seed alternative schemes provides a balanced diet of table foods.

Foods that are healthy for you also are healthy for your bird. A balanced diet provides a portion of each of the four major food groups.

 You can still offer seeds, but should not represent more than 50 percent of the total ration of their birds. diet birdyou can offer whole grains, such as wheat and grain products such as bread, crackers, and pasta.

Poultry and dairy products are excellent sources of calcium and protein,diet bird many birds learn to taste the yogurt, cheese, eggs and chicken. Meat also provides a good source of protein.

You can substitute beans and legumes for meat as an excellent source of protein. Finally, fruits and vegetables are a must for a balanced diet, they provide many essential Victorians.

Avoid feeding your birds all foods high in fat. diet birdAvocados are toxic to pet birds.

Many owners of the object changes in feeding their birds because they offer a variety of foods to be ignored or rejected by their pets. Birds are creatures of habit and resist new foods. Expect to take about a year to change the diet of your bird.

The trick to changing eating habits is the way to deliver the new bird you should offer your bird fresh food twice a day for about an hour at each meal (fresh food will spoil quickly if left in the cage for a period of time could develop harmful bacteria)diet bird.

The birds are equipped with a "reservoir" of natural food - harvest. Located in the chest, culture is an extension of the bird Culture allows birds "security deposit" in food and have a constant supply to the digestive system for several hours. Birds in the uncontrolled use of the storage system per day. They eat food in the early hours of the morning and afternoon to avoid the heat of the day.

Owners can enjoy meals twice daily harvest to produce healthy, active animals and lovingdiet bird.

Feed the birds twice a day has many benefits. The main advantage is that it creates a healthy appetite. The appetite will increase your bird to try new foodsdiet bird, more nutritious. Birds eat twice a day are more active.

 Bird owner and share the benefits of a closer relationship because the bird will associate the owner with something positive bird Feeding twice a day will also help control how your pet is earring.

 A decrease in food consumption may be a sign of disease.
what the best diet bird
In some situations, a bird feeding twice a day is not desirable. Sick birds, nest eggs, nesting or caring for young people should always have food on their bird

Easy to implement a schedule change in diet is to give your parrot dry food (cereals, breads, cereals, cakes, dog, etc.) in the morning then share your food with your bird nightdiet bird.

Provide nutritionally sound diets Success comes with patience and perseverance. It may take several weeks or even months, to offer new food before your bird will accept..

. Some birds like hot food and some prefer cooked vegetables bird you will discover your individual preferences bird.

Do not forget your bird time to adjust to a new diet. Seeds (meals only) offers with other foods until you are sure that your bird is eating enough food to keep new. Birds are more sensitive to changes in the diet when fed out of the cage diet bird(at the top of the cage is very good). Remove all food not consumed in an hour. you can offer a casual snack between meals, but make sure the snack is nutritious.

The last ingredient to a healthy diet is fresh water. diet birdYou can add a multivitamin with water until the bird has enough vitamins from fruits and vegetables. Most vitamin supplements have a base dextrose or sugar.

 diet birdBasic sugar fosters bacteria to multiply in the water and, therefore, change the water twice daily. A better alternative is to sprinkle powdered vitamins (several brands are available at your local pet store) as Super Preen soft foods for your birddiet bird.

Rub the food and water containers daily with warm soapy water and disinfect with bleach twice a week (be sure to rinse all the bleach after sanitize dishes).

Birds are naturally affectionate, active and bird They make excellent pets.

 They are very hardy and can survive harsh living conditions. Many birds seem healthy and active, even after being on a diet of seeds for years.

The truth is, however, are actually malnourished diet bird. diet birdA malnourished bird eventually die of organ failure or secondary bacterial or viral infections that affect the immune system weakened. "Sudden death" is not uncommon in birds, but it is usually the result of a nutritional deficiency or long-term chronic infection.

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