monkey diet

For 25 years, the rhesus monkeys were kept semi-hungry, skinny and hungry. The weight of the males were so low they were feeding the monkey equivalent of a man 6 feet tall,
monkey chow diet weighed only 120-133 pounds. The hope was that if the monkeys monkeys live long and healthy diet by eating less, maybe people, their cousins ​​in the development would be too. Some scientistsmonkey diet, anticipating these benefits began to severely restrict your diet diets.monkey feed
monkey chow diet

Power Monkey The results of this important study, as expected, started in 1987, is finally in. But do not carry conviction calorie diet restriction monkey monkey food diet fans had hoped. Turns out the skinny monkeys live longer than those who remain in the more normal weightmonkey diet.
monkey chow diet

The improvement of results, the diet for monkeys, but only in monkeys put on diet when they were old laboratory tests. The causes of death - cancer, heart disease - are the same in both malnourished and normally nourished monkey monkeysmonkey

The results of the laboratory tests showed lower levels of cholesterol and blood glucose in male monkeys started eating 30 percent fewer calories on a diet of monkey older, but not in femalesmonkey diet. Males and females were put on a diet when they were old monkey diet had lower levels of triglycerides, which are associated with an increased risk of heart diseasemonkey diet.

Monkeys put on a diet when they were young monkey chow diet or middle age does not receive the same benefits if they had less cancer. mono diet, but the conclusion is that monkeys who ate less live longer than those who ate normallmonkey diety.

Rafael de Cabo, lead author of Nutrition, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, said he was surprised and disappointed that monkey monkeys live longer malnourished regimemonkey diet.

Like many other researchers monkey food diet on aging, who had planned a similar result of a study by the University of Wisconsin, who concluded that caloric restriction extends the life of the ape apes 2009 Plan.

But even this curriculum monkey weighed on him a question mark. The authors have given about half of all deaths in monkeys studied, saying they were not related to aging.monkey diet If they had understood all dead, there was no prolongation of life in the Wisconsin study, monkey dietchow diet either.monkey

"This shows monkey chow to feed the importance of repetition in science," Steven Austad, interim director of the Barshop Institute of Longevity and Aging Studies at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San monkey Antoniomonkey

Dr. Austad, who was not monkey chow diet in both studies, said the study by the University of Wisconsin "was not as successful as was supposed" ape diet and the new study also casts doubt on the belief Chow that calorie restriction prolongs life monkeymonkey diet.

However, other researchers still think that the monkey food, and one of the authors of the new study, Julie A. monkey diet Mattison said it was still possible that some of these benefits would be revealed. The study continues until the young monkey chow diet 22 yearsmonkey diet.monkey

Mono Power Although data on the one hand, the idea that low calorie diet increases the half-life, there is always a possibility that the study can be seen that for monkeys diet regime increases the maximum life animals, he said.

Meanwhile, others have said the Wisconsin study was reluctant to reject the idea that low calorie diets lead to longer lifemonkey diet.

"I do not want to throw everything on the basis of a study to another study in the same species showed an increase in life," says Eric Ravussin, director of the obesity center mono diet Nutrition Research Penningtonmonkey diet Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana. "I'd go to an extension of life."

The idea that a diet low calorie diet prolongs life monkeys came in 1930 with a study in rats. But it was not until 1980 that the theory was. Scientists have reported that species as diverse as yeast, flies, worms and mice eat less is to live longer. And mice, monkey feeding, at least one low-calorie monkey dietdiet also means less cancer.

It is not known whether the same would be true Human monkey diet, and no one expects that this study was never made. It would take decades to get a response, not to mention the cost and the difficulty of getting people randomized to monkey chow diet or starve saymonkey diet.

The monkey chow diet researchers concluded that the best way to test the hypothesis would be through the monkey studies at the University of Wisconsin and the National Institute on Aging, but will be monitored animals that eat monkeys for decades.

It was a great effort. The National Institute on Aging 121 monkeys monkey to participate, monkey diet49 of whom are still alive, housed in a factory Poolesville, Maryland Those who received low-calorie diet was not hungry, says Dr. de Cabo. monkey chow diet to swallow their food, for example, but ate at the same rate as the control animals, despite their calories is reduced by feeding 30 percentmonkey diet.monkey s

As studies were underway, some fans monkey food diet humans decided to start eating less, mono toomonkey

In those years, however, studies in mice have begun to indicate that there may be a predictable response to the diet. The mouse that came from nature, instead of being born and raised in the laboratory,monkey diet feeding the monkeysmonkey diet live longer on low calorie diets.

And in 2009, the mono diet study 41 inbred strains of laboratory mice revealed that nearly one-third did not respond to food. Of those surveyed, more strains were shorter than those of most when they received less life expectancy of food.monkey diet

The answer in this study was of "disbelief" said Dr. Austad. "While the food monkey authors are highly respected cutting calories, said the result was interesting,monkey diet there was something strange in mice."

Now with the new study, researchers wonder why the University of Wisconsin study found an effect on the life of the mono diet and the National Institute on Aging no.

There are several differences between the studies that have pointed to some possible monkeymonkey diet

The composition of the diet of monkey food given to the monkeys in the Wisconsin study was different from the study by the Institute on Aging.

UW control monkeys were allowed to eat what they wanted and monkey were larger than those of the study by the Institute on Aging, which feeds on amounts considered sufficient to maintain a healthy weight, but not unlimitedmonkey diet.

animals in the study were India Wisconsin. Those in the study by the Institute on Aging, India and China, and therefore were genetically more diverse diet monkey.

Mr. Cape, who says he is overweight, advised people that if they want to try a low calorie diet, you should consult a monkey diet doctor. If you can not handle this plan, he said, he believes it would be healthier, but he says he does not know if they would live longer.

Some scientists still believe in low calorie diets. Richard Weindruch, director of the Wisconsin study, said he was "hopeful romantic caloric restriction," but added that it was not very good mono diet to reduce your calories. He said I could start doing more, however:monkey diet. "Only I have 62 not too late."

Then Mark Mattson, director of the Neuroscience Laboratory at the National Institute on Aging, who was not involved in the study of monkey diet. Caloric restriction is considered appropriate. You can help the brain, he says,monkey diet and people are healthier and more likely to live.

monkey dietDr. Mattson, who is 5 feet 9 inches and weighs 130 pounds, you skip breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday and you skip breakfast in the monkey

"I'm a little hungry," he acknowledged. "But we believe that hunger is really good." Monkey Plan

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