Benefits of carrots - carrots medical benefits

Benefits of carrots - carrots  medical benefits

There is the fruit of carrots and carrot juice medical benefits and interesting carrot is rich in dietary fiber , minerals ( especially selenium ) , and fat -soluble carotenoids β, advanced mode for retinol ( vitamin A) . The carrots contain up to six per cent of sugar. Distinctive flavor is the result of some oils Alaithirah . 100 grams of edible carrots contain an average of 6 mg of beta carotene , β.

Carrots contains :
Vitamin A
Article carotene
A high proportion of carbohydrates, which consist primarily of (sucrose , glucose and fructose in addition to cellulose , Alljugintin and articles other Baktinah )
Rich in protein and amino acids
Contains a large amount of alkaline salts, potassium salts and the effect which a small amount of sodium and calcium salts , boron , iodine and other
And contains many vitamins including: A - B - B 2 - B 6 - c - f - d
Is characterized by a high proportion of vitamin PP , which is rarely found in other vegetables.
The following are the most important medical benefits of the carrots :
carrots has antibiotic properties , it destroys bacteria that appear in the intestine.
Carrot juice helps in getting rid of intestinal infections and heal stomach ulcers .
Helps in protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun and being able to recover quickly.
It can be used for food and medicine in the treatment of kidney infections .
Carrots contains a hormone very useful in the treatment of the symptoms of diabetes .
Helps in getting rid of some stomach worms and colic.
Helps to recover from coughs and colds .
Tonic good natural immunity
Keep walls of devices digestion 
Alarm for burning stomach
Increases the secretion of bile
Benefits of juice
Expel uric acid from the blood, and therefore help patients .
Cure for aches gallstones and liver disease , and tuberculosis.
Proven to absorb large quantities of carrot juice, helps sometimes to resist or cancer treatment because it contains a very high proportion of vitamin A
Treatment carrots
Heal successfully disease Alosithonimi ( which increase the proportion of acetone in the blood)
Useful in cases of anemia and high blood pressure
Stop the bleeding

Benefits in cosmetics

The carrots is the basic cosmetic means , since it is one of the richest flora vitamin ' A ' .. This vitamin is essential for the health and safety of the skin. That eating fresh carrot juice on a regular basis has a clear impact as an antidote to stains and impurities of the skin , and also works to improve skin color

Carrots and carotene

Of the most important material which is characterized by carrot of substance beta carotene , which is due to the color orange and this article many benefits of passengers, of which they are active process of renewing tissues and cells are useful in removing wrinkles from the face and forehead and prevent looseness skin and benefit women in making the skin more clarity and purity and strengthen hair and nails . It also benefits from the substance beta carotene pilots and car drivers to they liquidate the vision and challenge of sight as it benefits those who rely on in their minds because they strengthen the eyes.

How to deal with carrot
Be careful not to peeling carrots in all ways to cook because a lot of the nutrients are concentrated in the cortex
If the carrot is not very fresh prefers cut into circles before cooking
Raw carrots faster and easier digestible than cooked carrots Contrary to what a lot of people think .

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