Types of diabetes:Treatment of diabetes, and prevention methods

The first type of diabetes    

With this type of diabetes the beta cells in the pancreas 

produce insulin - is necessary to regulate the level of 

glucose in the blood - in small quantities and are

 almost non-existent, so you are not taking the pill,

 but insulin is injected under the skin to get into


The second type of diabetes

In this second type of diabetes body do not 

produce enough insulin or the cells themselves

 ignore the insulin, then the body is unable to 

use insulin properly, and called this situation 

to insulin resistance, and the patient must in 

this case that maintains healthy body weight

and eating properly. are using birth control pills 

also help in controlling the level of sugar in 

the blood and this is done by the doctor ..

breastfeeding:How do I start breastfeeding?

The first step towards breastfeeding is to put the resolution before the coming of the child, it is best to talk to someone who has experience on this topic, or to search for information which specializes breastfeeding by reading books or magazines. Can start breastfeeding immediately after the birth of the child and this will increase the generation of milk from the breasts once a child sucking breasts, and also increases the generation of milk increase feedings child.

How the child is placed during lactation?

First to be the mother to find the right place and convenient as possible in order to support her back and sleeves, and then embraces the child to her chest so as to make the baby's stomach matched stomach mother, and make the baby's head tilted slightly back, and in this way make the nose child away from the breast to be able to breathe freely .

How do I make the baby suckle?breastfeeding..

Most children have a strong desire to breastfeed as soon as they feel that the nipple close to their mouths, and if it is dominated by the child drowsiness or sleep  touching one or lips with your finger carefully and thus the child to move his head towards the chest to find the nipple and opened his mouth, and evaluating touching both cheeks because it makes the child puzzled and does not know where the right side of the breast, this method also can work if the child during lactation breastfeeding slowly or predominantly to sleep.

Invited the child suckle from one breast as much as possible and mobility on the second breast until it takes enough time for breastfeeding, and many people say enough Twenty minutes before moving on to the second breast.

Are you a good baby breast-feeding?

So good baby breast-feeding must be nipple inside his mouth completely so that it can easily sucking, if the baby suckles from the top of the nipple only, it does not empty the breast of milk and become nipple ulcerated.

How far from the child during breast feeding?

Of good habits carefully that Tbaadi child from the breast, if the child pulled away in the middle of breastfeeding will ulcerate nipple quickly, and to prevent this from happening, my head is smaller finger in the corner of the baby's mouth, and this will be the baby's mouth opens automatically.

How consists breast milk?

The amount of milk produced depends on the number of breast-feeding, when breastfeeding your baby sucking the breast works on the secretion of hormones into the blood stream from the pituitary gland located inside the head. Hormone-secreting called oxytocin and prolactin, Valooxitusan works on contraction glands in the breast and thus the flow of milk, the hormone prolactin Vigm in the amount of milk output, the more feeding the child, increased secretion of the hormone prolactin and thus increases the generation of milk, and this means that the sucking child controls the amount of milk output.

How do you know that the child received a sufficient amount of milk?

There are signs of a good rub on it, including:

Moistening the child for six or eight diapers a day.

Increase the child's weight 100 to 200 grams each week.

Feeding the child two to three hours - about 8 to 12 times a day.

Natural appearance of the baby, skin color and softness, child activity.

If the weight of the child gradually increases and wets the number mentioned of diapers a day, there is no need for concern, even if the child wants more milk. Many mothers worry when there is not an adequate amount of milk in the breasts, the quantity of milk does not depend on the size of the breasts, small and large Valotda contain almost the same number of glands and differ only in the amount of fat present.

What do I do if the child is asleep and does not want breastfeeding?

Some children want to sleep all day, and sometimes a bit fed, if the weight of the child does not increase nor wets the above-mentioned number of diapers per day, there is no need to wake him up and breastfeed every two hours per day.

 Others between the breasts every ten minutes order  to the child's desire to breast-feeding as much as possible, as well as the annexation of the child to the chest and move the hands on his body, and talk to him has helped him to desire to breastfeed and keep him awake.


· Breastfeeding strengthens the intimate relationship between the mother and the baby.

· The child should not be given any external fluids after birth, such as: water, glucose, tea, mint, and other .. ; This is in danger of infection, and make him feel satiety not suckle from the mother, and thus generating less breast milk.

· Breast milk alone is enough for a child until the age of about 6 months.

· Begins add meals Foreign Affairs after almost 6 months of age while continuing breastfeeding up to the age of two years or more.

· Bottle feeding - even if they once were - make the child hates breast-feeding again.

· Artificial feeding makes children vulnerable to infectious diseases.

· Artificial feeding cost a lot of effort and money.

· Separation of the child from his mother during sleep, and do not breastfeed at night reduces breast milk production.
this all thing about breastfeeding...

diet player:we share you the best

The holiday season is a time of celebration, family, friends, traditions ... and if you are not careful, the weight gain.

This is not just a myth. diet playerAccording to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, diet playerthe average added books tend to be small (about one pound per year), but these books are likely to remain and accumulate over the years - Eeks!diet player

So how can you avoid packing on the pounds, while enjoying the holiday fattening? It's time to use the most important resource - one more powerful than a personal trainer,diet player a nutritionist or life coach YOU!

How? Start by finding your weight loss personality type.

With the help of our friend and colleague dietitian, Heather K. diet playerJones Rd people can find a weight loss solution that works for them - forever.

Jones New eBook series What's your type of plan? uses cutting-edge research in personality and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (a survey of leadership self-development) Exchange best weight loss approach.

First reveal each person - take this simple little quiz to find out the type of diet between the four characters only diet:diet player Diet reproductive system scheduler, thick regime, the regime Thinker.

Understanding your type of plan offers the "why" of what you do (and not do) and allows you to identify not only what motivates you, but what stands out.diet player

Know the trends of the arms with the answers and ideas necessary you need for the ultimate success of this holiday season and always.diet player

Planners Regime

Scheduler improves system security and stability.
When it comes to your health,diet player diet planner is organized and orderly and prosperous in terms of weight loss that provide structure and routine.

Because a diet planner likes to be organized and prepared, when life is full (having a party, holiday shopping, etc.), which tends to move your own health should go down their list of priorities for she can get any other fact. Next thing you know, she eats "character" - went from being a clean and organized Dr. Jekyll to eat anything for the purpose of convenience,diet player the monstrous Mr. Hyde.

The solution: The system scheduler has to move their weight management goals to your list and develop strategies to help explain the occasional "slip".diet player

Players Regime

Players Value regime spontaneity and immediate action. diet playerNo one likes to be burdened by the rules and regulations strict diet, but needs viable solutions for the effective life weight loss long term.

Player Because diet is so spontaneous and opportunistic, may be subject to "eat of opportunity" - if milk free chicken in the office or Christmas cookies in the dining room, it is safe to go. Your unconscious food choices are based solely on what looks good at the moment.

The solution: Before making a decision to maintenance, diet playermaking a second part, put a piece in your mouth, or a glass to her lips, she must be armed with the knowledge to make better decisions at the time.

Diet Followers

Plans thickness values ​​relationships and unity. Passionate and perceptive, likes and inspires others, often acting as a teacher or counselor to his friends, family and colleagues.
To achieve your desire weight loss, diet gauge best done with a holistic approach - that is, if we consider the mental, emotional, social, spiritual and physical well being as interconnected aspects that influence each other.

Probes thirst connections with people plan around it,diet player and thus avoid conflicts. For example, if everyone shares a pumpkin pie for the dinner table on Thanksgiving, a sensor system instinctively want a piece, too (though not hungry, and even pumpkin pie n 'not your dessert favorite), so you can celebrate with the groupdiet player.

Solution: Examine the big picture of your life, and believe (in mind) the number of times given to their own needs to please others.

Pensadores scheme

The Thinker system assesses knowledge and achievement.
diet player She is a lifelong learner who tries to understand the world. The Thinker regime needs understanding and information to achieve and maintain weight loss and fitness goals.

A problem often encountered by the system thinker is his analysis of capacity means you can not find the information you want to find anywhere ... diet playerincluding information necessary for the perfect excuse! For example, not justified the consumption of large quantities of chips to the party because the potassium content of the chips is higher than that of a bananadiet player.

The solution: Instead of using dark, extreme logic as an excuse to not so healthy indulgences, you should do what you do bestdiet player - seek knowledge and understanding of a variety of reliable sources.

 Then, once you see that good health is the real target, will be easier to make decisions about their health based on relevant facts.this the bestdiet player...

diet house:we share you the best

The D.I.T. team of employees is one of six finalists for the "from scratch" competition, affordable and sustainable housing sponsored by the University of Syracuse, UPSTATE central research and development organization community Headquarters.

 The teams face the challenge of developing a low cost reproducible individual house with sustainable design features.diet house The DIT team has developed a comprehensive design passive solar zero that could support local economic development and community revitalization. The proposal was made by the design stages of development: prepared detailed models of energy,diet house cost estimates and descriptive material specificationsdiet house.

The D.I.T. House Raumplan is organized in three main levels with a reading area, a storage space of higher standard, and optional mezzanine on the second floor studio of the artist.diet house Social spaces are larger and located to the south to allow penetration of natural light. Bedrooms and northbound service are more compact.
diet houseThe sheath is Hardiplank lacquered in a pattern of pebbles with vertical wooden slats.

The house has many sustainable design featuresdiet house:
Isolated and insulated ceilings and walls continuous infiltrations super barrier.
Slab on the concrete floor absrobs insulated and re-emits the energy of the sun in winter perimeter.
Local manufacture triple glazed windows are the size and position of the light loss on the maximum and minimum heat.diet house
Operable windows allow natural ventilation in the fall and winter "swing" of Spring.
A spiral path connects the interior spaces of the three levels of airflow alloweddiet house.
An energy recovery ventilator (ERV) extract 80% of the heat energy from the exhaust air and transfers it to air flitered "makeup" incoming.

The air is fresher, healthier and changed more often than in a conventional house
The base price of the house includes saving water and energy efficient appliances.diet house An auxiliary heating and low cost, which is used only on the coldest days, draws heat energy from municipal water supply in the form of a conventional geothermal system.

Cistern collects rainwater for landscape and the use of gray water option.
Optional hot water system solar vacuum tubesdiet house.
The house is designed according to the principles of passive house. The heating and ventilation uses more energy than a conventional hair dryerdiet house.

The inner spiral around a "light box" translucent joins two main levels and an average level. A first floor bedroom can be converted into a home office or bedroom / private bathroom ADA. The workshop of a great artist in the study of higher level can be closed or divided into two additional rooms for a total of four. The type of house shown here is designed to face North Street: alternative types are designed for lots of the south facade,diet house east or west.

The house is a compact cubic volume with a pitched roof North-South. The rear facade maximum catch sunlight in winter. The beds occupy the backyard. In the front yard of a rainwater tank, composting the garden bench, and ERV ventilation creates a geometricdiet house "still life" and defines a social space. DIT House replaces some stereotyped symbolic elements detached house with new iconic elements.

The traditional door is replaced by the planter box / compost: the entry is moved to a more functional and suitable for side door life style today. The VRE replaces the chimney vent. diet houseInside, the "light box" replaces the home.

The walls are made of two layers of insulation panels on skin nonstructural stress, a support frame Prefabricated wall. No thermal bridges between the exterior and interior.diet house Isolated slab on the ground does not require walking. Building Materials "green" used everywhere.
The house was modeled by the team leader Laura Briggs, Certified Passive House Designer, using the Passive House Planning Package project costs for heating and cooling.this the best diet house...