breastfeeding:How do I start breastfeeding?

The first step towards breastfeeding is to put the resolution before the coming of the child, it is best to talk to someone who has experience on this topic, or to search for information which specializes breastfeeding by reading books or magazines. Can start breastfeeding immediately after the birth of the child and this will increase the generation of milk from the breasts once a child sucking breasts, and also increases the generation of milk increase feedings child.

How the child is placed during lactation?

First to be the mother to find the right place and convenient as possible in order to support her back and sleeves, and then embraces the child to her chest so as to make the baby's stomach matched stomach mother, and make the baby's head tilted slightly back, and in this way make the nose child away from the breast to be able to breathe freely .

How do I make the baby suckle?breastfeeding..

Most children have a strong desire to breastfeed as soon as they feel that the nipple close to their mouths, and if it is dominated by the child drowsiness or sleep  touching one or lips with your finger carefully and thus the child to move his head towards the chest to find the nipple and opened his mouth, and evaluating touching both cheeks because it makes the child puzzled and does not know where the right side of the breast, this method also can work if the child during lactation breastfeeding slowly or predominantly to sleep.

Invited the child suckle from one breast as much as possible and mobility on the second breast until it takes enough time for breastfeeding, and many people say enough Twenty minutes before moving on to the second breast.

Are you a good baby breast-feeding?

So good baby breast-feeding must be nipple inside his mouth completely so that it can easily sucking, if the baby suckles from the top of the nipple only, it does not empty the breast of milk and become nipple ulcerated.

How far from the child during breast feeding?

Of good habits carefully that Tbaadi child from the breast, if the child pulled away in the middle of breastfeeding will ulcerate nipple quickly, and to prevent this from happening, my head is smaller finger in the corner of the baby's mouth, and this will be the baby's mouth opens automatically.

How consists breast milk?

The amount of milk produced depends on the number of breast-feeding, when breastfeeding your baby sucking the breast works on the secretion of hormones into the blood stream from the pituitary gland located inside the head. Hormone-secreting called oxytocin and prolactin, Valooxitusan works on contraction glands in the breast and thus the flow of milk, the hormone prolactin Vigm in the amount of milk output, the more feeding the child, increased secretion of the hormone prolactin and thus increases the generation of milk, and this means that the sucking child controls the amount of milk output.

How do you know that the child received a sufficient amount of milk?

There are signs of a good rub on it, including:

Moistening the child for six or eight diapers a day.

Increase the child's weight 100 to 200 grams each week.

Feeding the child two to three hours - about 8 to 12 times a day.

Natural appearance of the baby, skin color and softness, child activity.

If the weight of the child gradually increases and wets the number mentioned of diapers a day, there is no need for concern, even if the child wants more milk. Many mothers worry when there is not an adequate amount of milk in the breasts, the quantity of milk does not depend on the size of the breasts, small and large Valotda contain almost the same number of glands and differ only in the amount of fat present.

What do I do if the child is asleep and does not want breastfeeding?

Some children want to sleep all day, and sometimes a bit fed, if the weight of the child does not increase nor wets the above-mentioned number of diapers per day, there is no need to wake him up and breastfeed every two hours per day.

 Others between the breasts every ten minutes order  to the child's desire to breast-feeding as much as possible, as well as the annexation of the child to the chest and move the hands on his body, and talk to him has helped him to desire to breastfeed and keep him awake.


· Breastfeeding strengthens the intimate relationship between the mother and the baby.

· The child should not be given any external fluids after birth, such as: water, glucose, tea, mint, and other .. ; This is in danger of infection, and make him feel satiety not suckle from the mother, and thus generating less breast milk.

· Breast milk alone is enough for a child until the age of about 6 months.

· Begins add meals Foreign Affairs after almost 6 months of age while continuing breastfeeding up to the age of two years or more.

· Bottle feeding - even if they once were - make the child hates breast-feeding again.

· Artificial feeding makes children vulnerable to infectious diseases.

· Artificial feeding cost a lot of effort and money.

· Separation of the child from his mother during sleep, and do not breastfeed at night reduces breast milk production.
this all thing about breastfeeding...

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