fat liver disease

The liver is located in the upper right abdomen , is the human body's largest internal organ. The main functions of the liver is to remove toxins and nutrients from food processing. The blood from the digestive system to filter through the liver before entering any other body part fat liver disease.

Fatty liver disease (steatosis ) is the accumulation of excess fat in the liver cells , and is a common liver disease in Western countries . It affects about one in 10 . It is normal liver contains little fat , but if you have fat accounts for over 10 percent of liver weight,fat liver disease then you have fatty liver and can develop more serious complications fat liver disease.

Fatty liver may cause no damage, but sometimes the excess fat leads to inflammation of the liver. This condition, called steatohepatitis , causes liver damage liver fat. Sometimes , inflammation, fatty liver is linked to alcohol abuse . This is known as NASH liver fat. Otherwise, the condition is called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH fat liver disease .

Inflammation of the liver may become scarred and hardened over time. This condition,liver fat called cirrhosis, is serious and leads to liver failure often.fat liver disease NASH is one of the three leading causes of cirrhosis.

The causes of fatty liver disease

Eating excess calories causes fat to accumulate in the liver . When the liver does not process and break down fats as it normally should ,fat liver disease too much fat accumulates . People tend to develop fatty liver if you have other conditions , such as obesity , diabetes or high triglycerides .

Alcohol abuse , rapid weight loss and malnutrition may also lead to fatty liver. However, some people develop fatty liver even if they have any of these conditions - that everyone should know fat liver disease.

Risk factors for fatty liver disease
Most (but not all ) patients with fatty liver are middle-aged and overweight. The most common risk factors associated with the fatty liver disease include:liver fat
Overweight (BMI 25-30)
Obesity ( body weight above 30 index )
High levels of triglycerides .
Fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome
Many researchers now believe that metabolic syndrome - a group of disorders that increase the risk of diabetes , heart disease and stroke - plays an important role in the development of hepatic steatosis fat liver disease.

Signs and symptoms of metabolic syndrome include :
Obesity , especially around the waist (abdominal obesity)
High blood pressure (hypertension )
One or more abnormal cholesterol levels - high levels of triglycerides , fat liver disease a type of blood fat , or low levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL ) cholesterol, the " good"
The resistance to insulin, a hormone that helps regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.
Among them, the insulin resistance may be the most important cause of NASH .

 Because the disease may remain stable for many years, causing little damage , researchers have proposed a " second hit " to the liver, such as a bacterial infection or hormonal abnormalities can lead to cirrhosis .

How does the foie gras
It is unclear how becomes a fatty liver.fat liver disease Fat can come from other parts of your body , or your liver can absorb a greater amount of fat in your gut. Another possible explanation is that the liver loses its ability to change fat into a form that can be eliminated. However, the consumption of fatty foods , by itself , does not produce a fatty liver fat liver disease.

The symptoms of fatty liver disease

A fatty liver produces no symptoms itself , so people often learn from their fatty liver when they have medical tests for other reasons. NASH can damage your liver for years, even decades fat liver disease, without causing symptoms. If the condition worsens, you may experience fatigue , weight loss , abdominal pain, weakness and confusion.liver fat

Diagnosis of fatty liver disease fat liver disease

The doctor may see something unusual in a blood or notice that your liver is slightly enlarged during a routine checkup fat liver disease. These could be symptoms of a fatty liver. To ensure that you have no other liver disease , your doctor may order other blood tests ( including liver function tests ) , ultrasound , computed tomography ( CT) or magnetic magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) fat liver disease.

If I exclude other diseases can be diagnosed with NASH . The only way to know for sure is to get a liver biopsy . Your doctor will take a sample of liver tissue with a needle and checked under a microscope.

Questions to ask your doctor after diagnosis
What is the likely cause of my foie gras ?
NASH should I? If not , what is the probability of developing NASH ?
Do I have cirrhosis? If not, how am I likely to have cirrhosis ?
I need to lose weight? How I can do it safely ?
Should I take medicine to control cholesterol and triglycerides?
What medications or other substances should I do to protect my liver?fat liver disease
Prevention and reversal of fatty liver disease

There is no medical or surgical treatment for fatty liver liver fat, but some measures can help prevent or reverse some of the damage.

In general , if you have fatty liver, especially if you have NASH , you must:fat liver disease
Lose weight - safely. This usually means the loss of more than half a kilo (Two pounds ) per week
Lower triglyceride levels through diet , medication, or both
Avoid alcohol
Control your diabetes, if
Eat a healthy balanced diet
Increase your physical activity
Get regular checkups from a doctor who specializes in liver care .
The treatment of fatty liver fatty liver disease is currently the subject of intense research.

Scientists are studying whether various medications can help reduce the inflammation of the liver , including new diabetes medications that can help you even if you do not have diabetes, these include metformin , pioglitazone , rosiglitazone and betaine. Another drug being investigated is orlistat (Xenical ) , a drug that blocks the absorption of some fat in your diet.

 Initial results indicate that orlistat can reduce the amount of fat in the liver.fat liver disease [
Where to get help
your doctor
a gastroenterologist
NURSE -ON -CALL Tel . 1300 60 60 24 - for information and advice from health experts (24 hours, 7 days)liver fat
Things to consider
Fatty liver disease is the accumulation of fat in the liver that can damage the body and lead to serious complications
Risk factors include obesity, high fat diet , high alcohol consumption and diabetes mellitus
In most cases, it is recommended to people with fatty liver disease to change your diet ,fat liver disease exercise regularly and lose weight.
You may also be interested in :liver fat
Fats and oils.
Liver - primary biliary cirrhosis .
Liver cancer .

How to use the flaxseed for weight loss

- Folic acid , the body uses folic acid, a B vitamin to make new cells . Everyone needs at all stages of life to folic acid , research has shown that it is especially important for women of childbearing age to help protect the baby during growth stages .
Proved that folic acid can help prevent birth defects , especially in the brain and spine. Good sources of folic acid include citrus fruits, leafy vegetables , dried beans and peas . , And there are supplements of folic acid in fortified cereals .
Benefit your health from a diet rich in plants depends on the food and decreases in alcohol and caffeine , and this applies to you whatever your age .

The best diet for women

8 errors in the diet

• Whole grains : three meals and one ounce ( 28.34 grams)
• Dairy products : three meals a fat-free or low-fat
• protein of 5-6 ounces of lean meat or other proteins
• Fruit by Cobain
• vegetables by one and a half cups

This list provides a good balance of nutrition. Women also need to these special needs of nutrition, and that should be considered :

- Low iron or anemia resulting from a decrease of iron in the body (IDA) The body uses iron to make hemoglobin , a protein found inside red blood cells that carry oxygen to all parts of the body . Lack of iron or hemoglobin non- sufficient in the body called anemia .
Women are the most vulnerable to the risks of anemia as a result of heavy menstrual cycle or it lasts for a long time . Women can become anemic after losing large amounts of blood during childbirth .
Food rich in iron helps the body to provide an adequate amount of iron to produce red blood cells healthy . The eggs, dairy products , fish, meat, poultry and some green leafy vegetables , and fortified foods for iron Good sources of iron .
Your body can absorb iron more easily than when it resides vitamin C, therefore, a national grain to add strawberries , or mandarin oranges to spinach salad .

20 reviews .. The best diet

Keep you healthy food

Open your TV , surf the journal , .. You will find yourself in a world of conflicting news about food and health. Do not let all that distract you , but try to focus on four facts :
• that all of what you eat affects your appearance , and your energy and your convenience , and above all , to your health .

• America is going the wrong way , becouase: two of every three people are fat . The cases of high blood pressure and diabetes increases .. Heart attacks , strokes , cancer and injuries are common. Though a lot of factors cause these complex problems , the reason is simple : we eat too much , we choose the bad foods , and do not exert any sports .

• Scientists know any diets are best for your health , despite some changes in the details .

• Eating well is not a punishment , but it is an opportunity . You know the importance and know how to eat , you 'll find it enjoyable and satisfying . Although able to report the details of each format you healthy nutrition , you will find the rewards are delicious.

* The best diet

* People do not eat nutrients required , but eating only . Here are 20 of the rules of the instructions to healthy food and fun :

1 . Eating different types of food ,  there is no food and one full descriptions , you need to have a balanced mixture of food that provides  the body by  nutrients required .

2 . Eat more fruits and vegetables and less animal products .

3 . Eating more fish and homemade food record , and reduced the industrially processed foods . Avoid fast foods , you know what it is.

4 .Eat fat wisely. Reduce the intake of meat, poultry skins , and fatty dairy products , margarine , fried foods , snacks and industrially produced and marketed commercially baked foods cooked in fat trans . Consider also mixtures and additives to salad , and cooking oil . Use olive oil or canola oil for cooking , where you can. , And anoint the bread with olive oil instead of margarine soft . Get a « good fats » from fish and nuts.

5 . Choose carbohydrates wisely. Reduce the simple sugars , remember that soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices full of sugar . Reduce the intake of products made from white flour , refined, purified . And tried to eat products containing whole grain flour milled gruffly . No fooled dark bread or posters on commercial products , but also tried to check in container products already on whole grains. Familiarize yourself with eating bran flakes cereal , vegetables , fruits , nuts , and seeds. Think of eating fiber supplements that have not been able ingested food.

6 . Eat at least three cups of dairy products low-fat , per day.

7 . Protein intake in moderation . Best eating fish and poultry without skins . Try eating soy beans as sources of protein . Went to eat 5.5 ounces ( an ounce corresponds to about 28 grams ) of protein-rich food daily . The equivalent of a quarter of a cup of cooked beans or tofu , or a half -ounce of nuts or seeds , or one egg , one ounce of fish or lean meat or poultry cooked . 8 . Severely reducing sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams a day , especially if your blood pressure is high, and by reducing the salt and limit the consumption of processed foods industrially such as soup or canned juices , or deli , or cheese , or tomato sauce , or snacks . And men who have reached the blood pressure readings have 120/80 mm Hg , go to eat 1500 milligrams of sodium per day , and this applies to men over the age of 50 years .

9 . Eating more food rich in potassium , such as citrus fruits , bananas , and other fruits and vegetables . Eating a diet high in calcium , such as low-fat dairy products , broccoli , spinach , and tofu ( not addressed in supplements « grain » calcium to strengthen the required daily amounts that do not exceed 1,200 milligrams) .

10 . Eating more grain products , especially whole grains , by up to 6 ounces per day. The equivalent of one cup of dry cereal , or half a cup of the same chips or rice or pasta cooked , or carving out a piece of bread , one ounce . We must believe in whole-grain brown rice , as well as half of your share of grain daily .

11 . Eat more vegetables , and especially severe types greenery and yellow orange color . Per share corresponds to one cup of raw leafy vegetables , or half a cup of vegetables, other raw and cooked , or half a cup of vegetable juice .

12 . Eat more fruits , four servings a day at least . Corresponds to one serving middle piece of fruit , or half a cup of fresh fruit or frozen or canned , or half a cup of fruit juice .

13 . Eating fish more , and went to get two servings of 4 ounces of it at least weekly . Remember that grilled fish is better than fried .

14 . If you want to eat red meat , underwriting addressed to two servings of only 4 ounces , including a weekly basis. Avoid fatty meats , and industrial processing , and liver. Shift to eating chicken, turkey , after removing the skin from them. Make sure that meat and poultry are cooked at a temperature 160 degrees Fahrenheit ( 71 degrees Celsius ) or more , and not be burned .

15 . Eating eggs from time to time , and went about eating and not more than one egg yolk a day , whether from inside the egg or in the installation of other foods cooked or baked . Use egg substitutes wherever possible .

16 . Enter seeds and unsalted nuts to your diet . It was found that nuts reduce deaths from cardiac arrest , but it should be moderation in dealing with the rich in calories .

17 . Use vegetable oils in moderation . Reduce your intake of partially hydrogenated oils , and oil palm trees , and coconut milk .

18 . Avoid alcohol .

19 . Adjust caloric intake with the level of your practice to exercise in order to obtain an appropriate weight . If you're trying to lose weight , you should do so gradually reduce the number of calorie intake and increasing exercise .

20 . Avoid fads food and nutrition schemes extreme or unusual . And remember that these guidelines are intended for healthy people , others  who suffer from health problems should consult a doctor to make plans of their own food .