Effective treatment for cancer

Will tell you for sure, effective treatment for cancer, and this treatment does not know a lot of scientists and doctors ...
This treatment is not only owned by one doctor , and in order to heal from this disease , this is it owned by the doctor ..
Before that tell you about the treatment of cancer I will tell you a few words , in order to know the treatment of this serious disease ..
Look at yourself , look at your body , your eyes , your mouth , your mind , your feet , everything in your body
Who created these devices ? who make them move and work together ? ? ?
Had met all earth scientists and maked body  by all organs of the body , it is exactly the same person you could hope to get it to speak and see and think and live like a human , of course not
They will not be able to created one human  , who created all of these millions of people and creatures
In the end 'll tell your doctor , who can treat you from cancer
That is :who makes something he is only one who can reform it ,so who created you , who can heal you ,
It's God

request and complain to God ,god can recover you ....

How to treat arthritis :the best way

inflammatory foods...arthritis diet
Arthritis is a general term for conditions that share the pain and inflammation of the joints. Treatment usually includes medication against the pain reducer arthritis diet.
Although there is no definitive system arthritis, research suggests that includes anti- inflammatory foods in your diet and food limits that can trigger joint pain arthritis diet .

Click "Next" to learn about the foods that trigger arthritis, you should avoid.
Fried and processed foods
Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine looked at disease prevention through diet.arthritis diet The results showed that " reduce fried and processed foods, such as fried meats and frozen ready meals consumption , can reduce inflammation and actually help restore the natural defenses of the body. "

What you can do: Reduce the amount of fried and processed foods consumed , and include more fruits and vegetables in your dietarthritis diet .
Reduce your AGE
AGE does not refer to the number of birthdays you've celebrated . Advanced glycation end product (AGE) is a toxin that occurs when foods are heated , grilled, fried or pasteurized .

AGE damage certain proteins in the body, and the body tries to break these ages using cytokinesarthritis diet , which are inflammatory messengers. Depending on where occur EFAs can lead to arthritis and other forms of inflammation.

What you can do: A 2009 study found that reducing the amount of cooked at high temperatures in your diet may help reduce age levels in the blood.

Sugars and refined carbohydrates
High amounts of sugar in the diet resulted in an increase of AGE, which, as discussed in a previous slide, can lead to inflammation.

What you can do: Cut out sweets , processed foods , white flour , pastries and soft drinks to reduce the pain of arthritis.
Dairy products can contribute to arthritis pain because of the type of protein they contain.

According to the Physicians Committee arthritis diet for Responsible Medicine , for some people, this protein can irritate the tissues around the joints. Some people who suffer from arthritis pain have success switching to a diet that contains no animal products to be vegan arthritis diet.

What you can do: Instead of getting meat protein and dairy products , obtain most of their protein sources vegetables such as spinach, nut butters , tofu, beans, lentils, and quinoa .

Alcohol and snuff
Snuff and alcohol can lead to a number of health problems , including some that may affect joints .
Smokers have a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis risk ,arthritis diet while those who drink alcohol have a higher risk of developing gout .

What you can do: healthy joints require a balanced diet , physical activity and a good amount of rest, all of which can be compromised by alcohol and tobacco snuff .
Reduce the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and increase your eating habits with healthy choices , regular exercise and good quality sleep arthritis diet.

Salt and preservatives
Knowing what is in the food. Many foods contain excess salt and other preservatives to promote a long life. For some people , excessive salt intake can cause inflammation of the joints.
 It may be interesting to try to reduce their salt intake to such a small amount that is reasonablarthritis diete  .

What you can do: Read the label to avoid preservatives and additives . Less salt can help you manage your arthritis to avoid prepared foods. Although convenient arthritis diet  , microwaveable meals are often high in sodium.

corn oil
Many baked goods and snacks contain corn or other oils rich in omega - 6 fatty acids. Although these treats can satisfy your taste buds ,arthritis diet can trigger inflammation. Some studies have examined the analgesic effects of omega -3 in people with rheumatoid arthritis and found that fish oil , which contains omega - 3 fatty acids can help relieve joint pain in some people.

What you can do: Replace foods that contain omega - 6 health , anti -inflammatory omega-3 alternatives such as olive oil , walnuts, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds arthritis diet .

More Arthritis Diet Tips
No diet plan established arthritis. What works for one person may not work for another person arthritis diet. Trial and error will determine what foods you need to eliminate . In general , experts advise arthritis patients to maintain a healthy body weight and a balanced diet.
i wish i give you important tips about arthritis diet.

Prevention of Lung Cancer

There is no foolproof method and confirmed for the prevention of lung cancer,
 but it can reduce the risk of lung cancer if you are taking the following measures: 

Avoid smoking 
Quit Smoking 
Avoid passive smoking 
Tests to detect the presence of radon gas in the vicinity of the house 
Avoid exposure to carcinogens at work 
Maintaining a diet rich in vegetables and fruits 
Keep drinking alcohol in moderation, or avoided altogether

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 Find out the best sources of protein for weight loss.

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Diet Pills
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Herbal Weight Loss Supplements
Because of the uncertainty of the ingredients in weight loss supplements, 
the FDA strongly recommends that you talk to your health care provider before trying them.

Weight Loss Basics...

Is Your Weight Loss Goal Realistic?

Learn why losing weight slowly is best for long-term results. 
Discover how to adopt new behaviors, like eating less and exercising more, to boost weight loss.

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 Learn about the many health benefits from losing just 10% of your body weight.

how to lose weight fast?
If you want to be the next “biggest loser” -- and do it fast -- you have to read these rapid weight loss safety tips.

Best Foods for Dieters

Dieting can be downright difficult, especially if your diet includes foods you don't  enjoy. After all, how much cabbage soup can a person stand? The good news is that there are thousands of diet foods that are taste great,healthy, , and can help  you stick to your weight loss plan  .

 Visit any grocery store to witness the explosion of lower-calorie, lower-fat, or portion-controlled options.
Here are just a few of the best foods for dieters
1. Calorie-Controlled Snacks.
 Plenty of consumers are buying the 100-calorie (more or less) snack packs of everything from chips to cupcakes, but are they really the answer for weight loss?
Carolyn O'Neil, RD, author of The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous,
 likes calorie-controlled packages because they eliminate the chance for mindless overeating. "Foods packaged in 100-calorie packs do the work and calorie math for you so you can enjoy snacking on foods that need to be enjoyed in limited amounts," she says.
Quaker Mini Delights (90 calories) and Hostess 100-calorie cupcakes are among the more addictive options.
But Lona Sandon, MEd, RD, says that though these snacks can satisfy a sweet tooth, "many of them won't fill you up for very long, and can't replace a more nutritious snack."
Sandon suggests checking the ingredient list and nutrition  facts on the package. "Look for products that offer some nutritious benefits, such as ones that contain less than 3 grams fat, less than 140 milligrams sodium, 15 grams or less sugar, and are made from whole grain with about 2 to 3 grams fiber and about 7 grams protein," says Sandon, assistant professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
2. Healthier Fast Food.
 Fast food restaurants don't have to spell disaster for dieters. 
Try Quiznos' Flatbread Sammies without cheese or dressing (all less than 250 calories,except the Italiano) or a small Honey Bourbon Chicken sub (275 calories); Taco Bell's Fresco-style items (less than 180 calories); McDonald's Southwest salad with grilled chicken (290 calories without dressing); or any of Subway's subs with 6 grams of fat or less (230-380 calories).
3. Low-Fat and Fat-Free Dairy Products.
 Milk, yogurt (solid, frozen, and drinkable), cheese, sour cream, and cream cheese are available in lower-fat varieties that offer both healthy nutrients and great taste. Laughing Cow light cheese has only 35 calories per individually wrapped wedge, and Yoplait Fiber One nonfat yogurt combines yogurt crunchy cereal for a fiber boost and only 50-80 calories per 4 oz. cup.
Fat-free half-and-half is a suitable substitute for heavy cream with a fraction of the calories.
 And lower-fat and fat-free cream cheese and sour cream can easily pitch-hit for their fattier counterparts, particularly in recipes.