fat liver disease

The liver is located in the upper right abdomen , is the human body's largest internal organ. The main functions of the liver is to remove toxins and nutrients from food processing. The blood from the digestive system to filter through the liver before entering any other body part fat liver disease.

Fatty liver disease (steatosis ) is the accumulation of excess fat in the liver cells , and is a common liver disease in Western countries . It affects about one in 10 . It is normal liver contains little fat , but if you have fat accounts for over 10 percent of liver weight,fat liver disease then you have fatty liver and can develop more serious complications fat liver disease.

Fatty liver may cause no damage, but sometimes the excess fat leads to inflammation of the liver. This condition, called steatohepatitis , causes liver damage liver fat. Sometimes , inflammation, fatty liver is linked to alcohol abuse . This is known as NASH liver fat. Otherwise, the condition is called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH fat liver disease .

Inflammation of the liver may become scarred and hardened over time. This condition,liver fat called cirrhosis, is serious and leads to liver failure often.fat liver disease NASH is one of the three leading causes of cirrhosis.

The causes of fatty liver disease

Eating excess calories causes fat to accumulate in the liver . When the liver does not process and break down fats as it normally should ,fat liver disease too much fat accumulates . People tend to develop fatty liver if you have other conditions , such as obesity , diabetes or high triglycerides .

Alcohol abuse , rapid weight loss and malnutrition may also lead to fatty liver. However, some people develop fatty liver even if they have any of these conditions - that everyone should know fat liver disease.

Risk factors for fatty liver disease
Most (but not all ) patients with fatty liver are middle-aged and overweight. The most common risk factors associated with the fatty liver disease include:liver fat
Overweight (BMI 25-30)
Obesity ( body weight above 30 index )
High levels of triglycerides .
Fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome
Many researchers now believe that metabolic syndrome - a group of disorders that increase the risk of diabetes , heart disease and stroke - plays an important role in the development of hepatic steatosis fat liver disease.

Signs and symptoms of metabolic syndrome include :
Obesity , especially around the waist (abdominal obesity)
High blood pressure (hypertension )
One or more abnormal cholesterol levels - high levels of triglycerides , fat liver disease a type of blood fat , or low levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL ) cholesterol, the " good"
The resistance to insulin, a hormone that helps regulate the amount of sugar in the blood.
Among them, the insulin resistance may be the most important cause of NASH .

 Because the disease may remain stable for many years, causing little damage , researchers have proposed a " second hit " to the liver, such as a bacterial infection or hormonal abnormalities can lead to cirrhosis .

How does the foie gras
It is unclear how becomes a fatty liver.fat liver disease Fat can come from other parts of your body , or your liver can absorb a greater amount of fat in your gut. Another possible explanation is that the liver loses its ability to change fat into a form that can be eliminated. However, the consumption of fatty foods , by itself , does not produce a fatty liver fat liver disease.

The symptoms of fatty liver disease

A fatty liver produces no symptoms itself , so people often learn from their fatty liver when they have medical tests for other reasons. NASH can damage your liver for years, even decades fat liver disease, without causing symptoms. If the condition worsens, you may experience fatigue , weight loss , abdominal pain, weakness and confusion.liver fat

Diagnosis of fatty liver disease fat liver disease

The doctor may see something unusual in a blood or notice that your liver is slightly enlarged during a routine checkup fat liver disease. These could be symptoms of a fatty liver. To ensure that you have no other liver disease , your doctor may order other blood tests ( including liver function tests ) , ultrasound , computed tomography ( CT) or magnetic magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) fat liver disease.

If I exclude other diseases can be diagnosed with NASH . The only way to know for sure is to get a liver biopsy . Your doctor will take a sample of liver tissue with a needle and checked under a microscope.

Questions to ask your doctor after diagnosis
What is the likely cause of my foie gras ?
NASH should I? If not , what is the probability of developing NASH ?
Do I have cirrhosis? If not, how am I likely to have cirrhosis ?
I need to lose weight? How I can do it safely ?
Should I take medicine to control cholesterol and triglycerides?
What medications or other substances should I do to protect my liver?fat liver disease
Prevention and reversal of fatty liver disease

There is no medical or surgical treatment for fatty liver liver fat, but some measures can help prevent or reverse some of the damage.

In general , if you have fatty liver, especially if you have NASH , you must:fat liver disease
Lose weight - safely. This usually means the loss of more than half a kilo (Two pounds ) per week
Lower triglyceride levels through diet , medication, or both
Avoid alcohol
Control your diabetes, if
Eat a healthy balanced diet
Increase your physical activity
Get regular checkups from a doctor who specializes in liver care .
The treatment of fatty liver fatty liver disease is currently the subject of intense research.

Scientists are studying whether various medications can help reduce the inflammation of the liver , including new diabetes medications that can help you even if you do not have diabetes, these include metformin , pioglitazone , rosiglitazone and betaine. Another drug being investigated is orlistat (Xenical ) , a drug that blocks the absorption of some fat in your diet.

 Initial results indicate that orlistat can reduce the amount of fat in the liver.fat liver disease [
Where to get help
your doctor
a gastroenterologist
NURSE -ON -CALL Tel . 1300 60 60 24 - for information and advice from health experts (24 hours, 7 days)liver fat
Things to consider
Fatty liver disease is the accumulation of fat in the liver that can damage the body and lead to serious complications
Risk factors include obesity, high fat diet , high alcohol consumption and diabetes mellitus
In most cases, it is recommended to people with fatty liver disease to change your diet ,fat liver disease exercise regularly and lose weight.
You may also be interested in :liver fat
Fats and oils.
Liver - primary biliary cirrhosis .
Liver cancer .

How to use the flaxseed for weight loss

- Folic acid , the body uses folic acid, a B vitamin to make new cells . Everyone needs at all stages of life to folic acid , research has shown that it is especially important for women of childbearing age to help protect the baby during growth stages .
Proved that folic acid can help prevent birth defects , especially in the brain and spine. Good sources of folic acid include citrus fruits, leafy vegetables , dried beans and peas . , And there are supplements of folic acid in fortified cereals .
Benefit your health from a diet rich in plants depends on the food and decreases in alcohol and caffeine , and this applies to you whatever your age .

The best diet for women

8 errors in the diet

• Whole grains : three meals and one ounce ( 28.34 grams)
• Dairy products : three meals a fat-free or low-fat
• protein of 5-6 ounces of lean meat or other proteins
• Fruit by Cobain
• vegetables by one and a half cups

This list provides a good balance of nutrition. Women also need to these special needs of nutrition, and that should be considered :

- Low iron or anemia resulting from a decrease of iron in the body (IDA) The body uses iron to make hemoglobin , a protein found inside red blood cells that carry oxygen to all parts of the body . Lack of iron or hemoglobin non- sufficient in the body called anemia .
Women are the most vulnerable to the risks of anemia as a result of heavy menstrual cycle or it lasts for a long time . Women can become anemic after losing large amounts of blood during childbirth .
Food rich in iron helps the body to provide an adequate amount of iron to produce red blood cells healthy . The eggs, dairy products , fish, meat, poultry and some green leafy vegetables , and fortified foods for iron Good sources of iron .
Your body can absorb iron more easily than when it resides vitamin C, therefore, a national grain to add strawberries , or mandarin oranges to spinach salad .

20 reviews .. The best diet

Keep you healthy food

Open your TV , surf the journal , .. You will find yourself in a world of conflicting news about food and health. Do not let all that distract you , but try to focus on four facts :
• that all of what you eat affects your appearance , and your energy and your convenience , and above all , to your health .

• America is going the wrong way , becouase: two of every three people are fat . The cases of high blood pressure and diabetes increases .. Heart attacks , strokes , cancer and injuries are common. Though a lot of factors cause these complex problems , the reason is simple : we eat too much , we choose the bad foods , and do not exert any sports .

• Scientists know any diets are best for your health , despite some changes in the details .

• Eating well is not a punishment , but it is an opportunity . You know the importance and know how to eat , you 'll find it enjoyable and satisfying . Although able to report the details of each format you healthy nutrition , you will find the rewards are delicious.

* The best diet

* People do not eat nutrients required , but eating only . Here are 20 of the rules of the instructions to healthy food and fun :

1 . Eating different types of food ,  there is no food and one full descriptions , you need to have a balanced mixture of food that provides  the body by  nutrients required .

2 . Eat more fruits and vegetables and less animal products .

3 . Eating more fish and homemade food record , and reduced the industrially processed foods . Avoid fast foods , you know what it is.

4 .Eat fat wisely. Reduce the intake of meat, poultry skins , and fatty dairy products , margarine , fried foods , snacks and industrially produced and marketed commercially baked foods cooked in fat trans . Consider also mixtures and additives to salad , and cooking oil . Use olive oil or canola oil for cooking , where you can. , And anoint the bread with olive oil instead of margarine soft . Get a « good fats » from fish and nuts.

5 . Choose carbohydrates wisely. Reduce the simple sugars , remember that soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices full of sugar . Reduce the intake of products made from white flour , refined, purified . And tried to eat products containing whole grain flour milled gruffly . No fooled dark bread or posters on commercial products , but also tried to check in container products already on whole grains. Familiarize yourself with eating bran flakes cereal , vegetables , fruits , nuts , and seeds. Think of eating fiber supplements that have not been able ingested food.

6 . Eat at least three cups of dairy products low-fat , per day.

7 . Protein intake in moderation . Best eating fish and poultry without skins . Try eating soy beans as sources of protein . Went to eat 5.5 ounces ( an ounce corresponds to about 28 grams ) of protein-rich food daily . The equivalent of a quarter of a cup of cooked beans or tofu , or a half -ounce of nuts or seeds , or one egg , one ounce of fish or lean meat or poultry cooked . 8 . Severely reducing sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams a day , especially if your blood pressure is high, and by reducing the salt and limit the consumption of processed foods industrially such as soup or canned juices , or deli , or cheese , or tomato sauce , or snacks . And men who have reached the blood pressure readings have 120/80 mm Hg , go to eat 1500 milligrams of sodium per day , and this applies to men over the age of 50 years .

9 . Eating more food rich in potassium , such as citrus fruits , bananas , and other fruits and vegetables . Eating a diet high in calcium , such as low-fat dairy products , broccoli , spinach , and tofu ( not addressed in supplements « grain » calcium to strengthen the required daily amounts that do not exceed 1,200 milligrams) .

10 . Eating more grain products , especially whole grains , by up to 6 ounces per day. The equivalent of one cup of dry cereal , or half a cup of the same chips or rice or pasta cooked , or carving out a piece of bread , one ounce . We must believe in whole-grain brown rice , as well as half of your share of grain daily .

11 . Eat more vegetables , and especially severe types greenery and yellow orange color . Per share corresponds to one cup of raw leafy vegetables , or half a cup of vegetables, other raw and cooked , or half a cup of vegetable juice .

12 . Eat more fruits , four servings a day at least . Corresponds to one serving middle piece of fruit , or half a cup of fresh fruit or frozen or canned , or half a cup of fruit juice .

13 . Eating fish more , and went to get two servings of 4 ounces of it at least weekly . Remember that grilled fish is better than fried .

14 . If you want to eat red meat , underwriting addressed to two servings of only 4 ounces , including a weekly basis. Avoid fatty meats , and industrial processing , and liver. Shift to eating chicken, turkey , after removing the skin from them. Make sure that meat and poultry are cooked at a temperature 160 degrees Fahrenheit ( 71 degrees Celsius ) or more , and not be burned .

15 . Eating eggs from time to time , and went about eating and not more than one egg yolk a day , whether from inside the egg or in the installation of other foods cooked or baked . Use egg substitutes wherever possible .

16 . Enter seeds and unsalted nuts to your diet . It was found that nuts reduce deaths from cardiac arrest , but it should be moderation in dealing with the rich in calories .

17 . Use vegetable oils in moderation . Reduce your intake of partially hydrogenated oils , and oil palm trees , and coconut milk .

18 . Avoid alcohol .

19 . Adjust caloric intake with the level of your practice to exercise in order to obtain an appropriate weight . If you're trying to lose weight , you should do so gradually reduce the number of calorie intake and increasing exercise .

20 . Avoid fads food and nutrition schemes extreme or unusual . And remember that these guidelines are intended for healthy people , others  who suffer from health problems should consult a doctor to make plans of their own food .

Benefits of water:Full file on the benefits of water

Full file on the benefits of water

Full file on the benefits of water in all disciplines benefits of water benefits the benefits of water water water benefits

Water in the Qur'an

Water is the great grace and gratitude majority that God bestowed on human which lived their lives and section  livelihood and it created them as Allah says :وجعلنا من الماء كل شيء حي it is mean( We made from water every living thing
and god say about  benefits of water :والله خلق كل دآبة من ماء it is mean: God created every animal from wat

Benefits of water

Benefits of water

Japanese road in water treatment
- 1
Do sleep early and eat four cups of water before washing the mouth and teeth
- 2
Not to eat any liquids , or any solid thing during a period of 45 minutes of eating water except wash the mouth and teeth
- 3
Can eat any food after about 45 minutes of drinking water
- 4
Not to eat any food during the two hours after eating breakfast or lunch or dinner
- 5
Not to eat anything after dinner and go to sleep
- 6
Elderly patients who find it difficult at first intake of four cups of water and once they start treatment by taking a small amount of water and then increasing quantity gradually until it reaches the required quantity every morning

Benefits of water

Benefits of water
: The benefits of using water from the inside in the treatment

Saves water for the body and harmony -
Water helps to stimulate the body and kidney functions -
Water helps to regulate body temperature -
Water works to rid the blood of toxins -
It also acts as a mediator in many chemical processes within the body -
It also helps to balance the body's chemical , moisture and gives the body too much -
It also works to stimulate the digestive system and directing members -
It also works on the lubricant and moisturizing body joints -
It also moves the food to the various tissues of the body -

Benefits of water

: Among the benefits of therapeutic water
The diuretic : either by drinking the water itself or by topical hot baths and other
The internal body cleanser : The water dissolves and purifies and extracts toxins and Almakhlavat that to tubeless her body
The gain of energy : that by eating mineral water, herbal baths work cold or warm
Eliminates the sense of pain where the snow anesthetic to inflammation of the nerves of the skin .
The sedative and remover of contractions : Whether by warm-water pools or warm and cold compresses or using the enema and other
A powerful tonic for blood circulation : through the body is exposed to hot and cold water alternately by various means
Tonic and renewed vitality in the body: through the cold water, or steam baths and cold water shower
Reduced heat : by drinking fluids and taking cold showers Food or cold compresses work

Benefits of carrots - carrots medical benefits

Benefits of carrots - carrots  medical benefits

There is the fruit of carrots and carrot juice medical benefits and interesting carrot is rich in dietary fiber , minerals ( especially selenium ) , and fat -soluble carotenoids β, advanced mode for retinol ( vitamin A) . The carrots contain up to six per cent of sugar. Distinctive flavor is the result of some oils Alaithirah . 100 grams of edible carrots contain an average of 6 mg of beta carotene , β.

Carrots contains :
Vitamin A
Article carotene
A high proportion of carbohydrates, which consist primarily of (sucrose , glucose and fructose in addition to cellulose , Alljugintin and articles other Baktinah )
Rich in protein and amino acids
Contains a large amount of alkaline salts, potassium salts and the effect which a small amount of sodium and calcium salts , boron , iodine and other
And contains many vitamins including: A - B - B 2 - B 6 - c - f - d
Is characterized by a high proportion of vitamin PP , which is rarely found in other vegetables.
The following are the most important medical benefits of the carrots :
carrots has antibiotic properties , it destroys bacteria that appear in the intestine.
Carrot juice helps in getting rid of intestinal infections and heal stomach ulcers .
Helps in protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun and being able to recover quickly.
It can be used for food and medicine in the treatment of kidney infections .
Carrots contains a hormone very useful in the treatment of the symptoms of diabetes .
Helps in getting rid of some stomach worms and colic.
Helps to recover from coughs and colds .
Tonic good natural immunity
Keep walls of devices digestion 
Alarm for burning stomach
Increases the secretion of bile
Benefits of juice
Expel uric acid from the blood, and therefore help patients .
Cure for aches gallstones and liver disease , and tuberculosis.
Proven to absorb large quantities of carrot juice, helps sometimes to resist or cancer treatment because it contains a very high proportion of vitamin A
Treatment carrots
Heal successfully disease Alosithonimi ( which increase the proportion of acetone in the blood)
Useful in cases of anemia and high blood pressure
Stop the bleeding

Benefits in cosmetics

The carrots is the basic cosmetic means , since it is one of the richest flora vitamin ' A ' .. This vitamin is essential for the health and safety of the skin. That eating fresh carrot juice on a regular basis has a clear impact as an antidote to stains and impurities of the skin , and also works to improve skin color

Carrots and carotene

Of the most important material which is characterized by carrot of substance beta carotene , which is due to the color orange and this article many benefits of passengers, of which they are active process of renewing tissues and cells are useful in removing wrinkles from the face and forehead and prevent looseness skin and benefit women in making the skin more clarity and purity and strengthen hair and nails . It also benefits from the substance beta carotene pilots and car drivers to they liquidate the vision and challenge of sight as it benefits those who rely on in their minds because they strengthen the eyes.

How to deal with carrot
Be careful not to peeling carrots in all ways to cook because a lot of the nutrients are concentrated in the cortex
If the carrot is not very fresh prefers cut into circles before cooking
Raw carrots faster and easier digestible than cooked carrots Contrary to what a lot of people think .

10 health benefits of orange

Of the health benefits of orange

Prevention of cancer

Acidic fruits help in the fight against cancer . Studies have shown that citrus fruits can reduce the risk of cancer of the stomach, mouth , larynx , pharynx increased from 40% to 50%. Orange is a powerful source of vitamin C, an antioxidant and helps to lower the risk of colon cancer and other types of cancer. Orange contains many other therapeutic properties , as well as plant nutrients such as anthocyanins , which have anti-cancer properties .

Lung cancer and respiratory health

Orange contains high amounts of beta carotene called Bestackreptuzantin of beta-cryptoxanthin and studies have shown that high Balbestackreptuzantin foods such as oranges, supports respiratory health and reduce the risk of lung cancer by 27%.

A high proportion of vitamin C

Only one orange provides 115 % of vitamin C. Vitamin C is known for its ability to strengthen the immune system . And also helps to lower blood pressure, reduce the levels of lead in the blood , which helps to reduce the risk of cataracts on the eye or dimmed .


Orange is one of the most powerful antioxidants . The antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and premature aging and prevent oxidation in the body.

Strengthen the immune

A large proportion of vitamin C in oranges helps in strengthening the immune system , which has an active role in the prevention of diseases. Eating oranges helps to prevent colds and flu.

Dietary fiber

Orange is a good source of dietary fiber , which helps support a healthy digestive system , and also help in weight loss and reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol.


Natural fructose in oranges helps to balance blood sugar levels for people who suffer from diabetes.


Orange is a good source of potassium , and potassium helps lower blood pressure and supports heart health in general, and also essential to maintain good bone density , and potassium deficiency leads to bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Anti -inflammatory

Studies show that orange useful in cases of infections, it is a good anti -inflammatory and thanks phytonutrient called Herperidin , which studies have shown that it helps reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation can cause diseases , cardiovascular , cancer, arthritis and many diseases. And vitamin C also helps in reducing the risk of inflammatory diseases such as asthma and arthritis.

The health of the stomach

Of the benefits of oranges also keep the stomach in good health . Studies have shown that oranges helps in the treatment of diseases of the stomach , such as irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea. And also help in the fight against stomach ulcers and help reduce the risk of stomach cancer .

dates benefits for humans 2013

1 - 

Dates provide the body with energy and vitality, and renewed activity because it contains multiple nutrients. 

2 - 

dates are rich in vitamins (a)، (b) و(c),And minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, also contains a high proportion of protein, fat and sugars, so the 3 meals of dates prepare food in full.

3 - 

Cup of dried dates after removing the seed it contains 490 calories.

4 - 

Useful in the treatment of cases of dizziness and increases the flexibility of blood vessels. Delays the onset of aging. 

5 - 

Dates sang phosphorus needed to build a private brain cells responsible for thinking and mental abilities, so capturing the advised to compensate the owners of thought and pen. 

6 - 

Used by the ancients to his great ability to increase strength in the marital relationship. 

7 - 

Protects teeth from decay, despite the sweetness of taste, also contains carbohydrate in the form of single sugars, and contains a large amount of protein and fiber and low in fat. 

8 - 

Rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, fluorine, so it is recommended for pregnant women and in the postpartum stage, as God commanded him Mary in the holy book. 

9 - 

Because it is rich in vitamins it saves moisture and luster eye and struggling blurred vision, vision also strengthens and increases the ability of audio, a tranquilizer, and is also active thyroid gland, intestines moisturizer. 

10 - 

Easy to digest and diuretic purified liver and kidney wash. 

11 - 

Syrup successful treatment in cases of cough, phlegm, inflammation of the trachea. 

12 - 

Can be saved for more than a year while retaining all its nutritional properties. 

13 - 

dates consists of 8% water, and 7% is sugar, protein and 2%, 3% fatty substances and 10% fiber.

structure of the cell

structure of the cell
the cell is formed of three parts
1-the cell membrane
2-the nucleus
3-the cytoplasm
the cell also contains endoplasmic reticulum,golgi system ,mitochondria and lysosomes
the cell membrane is formed of three substances :
proteins (55%)
lipids (40%)
carbohydrates (5%)

Proposed List of diet for diabetics:we share you the best

The general rule for diabetics feed is to maintain an ideal weight
Foods to be avoided are : jam , sweets , honey, molasses, sugar cane , pancakes, mango , grapes , refreshments and water only if the food " Diet " , sugar , ice cream
Food be abuse with caution and small quantities are : rice , pasta , bread , and starches in general
Proposed the ideal diet is as follows
A quarter or half a loaf of bread my Normal
Three tablespoons Fava Beans 
Cup of coffee or tea and a few light or colorless sugar
2 tomatoes and bead option  and some  watercress

 Normal loaf or rice dish or Pasta is very small in size jelly dish
Vegetable soup without potatoes
Vegetable dish cooked Average ( does not contain dry Bean sush as cowpea ) contains squash or spinach , etc. .... abbreviated anything that green can cook and eat with the exception of taro , peas
Issued of chicken  , plum, peach, pear, apple, orange, mandarin ... if you want to eat a banana let only one pill .Green salad in any quantity as you wish the grilled or boiled ( skinless ) or two grilled fish at the middle size  ... taking into account avoid meat fried sush as Poviak
Such as food half quantity or sush as break fast of twice the quantity for insulin users
Yogurt and salad vegetables and fruit for those taking sugar pills to treat
about 60 grams of any type of cheese

Diet to lose 8 kg in 10 days!!!

The first day : any class Dairy skimmed ( yogurt - milk - milk Ribe - Cheese Quraish) + option or lettuce , but one class only throughout the day If any seem cheese Quraish + option and  today as well and divide on 3 or 5 meals and any quantity you want .
Second day: fruit one class throughout the day on 3 or 5 meals in any quantity you want , but beware in 5 forbidden fruits ( mangoes , bananas , dates , figs and grapes ).
Third day: like the first .
Fourth day: like the second .
Fifth day: any class of protein ( fish , chicken or meat , or eggs ) + cucumber or lettuce along today, but only one category (such as thickness with an option )
Ali 3 meals . amount you want .
Sixth day: vegetables boiled in water only, without any soup or cubes and you can put spices and salt as you want and  on 3 or 5 meals
Except ( potatoes , potatoes , peas , taro and legumes) .
Seventh Day : Fruit problem except the 5 banned throughout the day on 3 or 5 meals and in any quantity .
Eighth Day : like the first .
Ninth Day : green salad throughout the day on 3 or 5 meals in any quantity .
The tenth day : like the second .
After the end of the tenth day is rest for a period of one Aowoom

1 - No sugar completely ( possible sugar diet with tea or coffee )
2 - Drink water as you like at any time
3 - lemon juice only allowed in or time without sugar or sugar Diet

9 foods: avoid them before going to sleep!

Avoid these foods before going to sleep!

Eating before bedtime is one of the basic causes of obesity and obesity. You chose us a series of forbidden foods taken strictly prohibited by the freedom to sleep :

8 foods help you lose weight

- Pasta: The pasta contains a large amount of carbohydrates that turn into fat during sleep .

- Ice cream : ice cream , rich in sugar and fat so we recommend not dealt with before going to sleep . Some also alleged to have caused nightmares during the night.

- Celery: raise the proportion of water in the celery decisiveness causing bloating.

- Pizza : cheese and tomato hamper the process of digestion . The pizza is also the fatty food that cause obesity .

- Candy : Candy raise blood sugar and affecting the functioning of the brain during the night.

- Cereals and cornflakes : These foods contain high levels of sugar. We recommend eating Alcorn Flex healthy diet .

- Garlic : garlic hamper the process of digestion era has disturbing effects such as stomach acidity .

- Murr chocolate or dark : dark chocolate contains caffeine , a tonic for the body also contains the substance of the " theobromine " that speeds up the heart rate. We recommend in this case , if eating white chocolate .

- Red meat : Red meat is rich in fat and protein , which is not easily digestive stomach .

Ten obesity-related illnesses: threaten your health

Obesity can be defined as increase the storage of fat in the body. Men who increase the proportion of fat in their bodies for 25% of total body weight, and women over their own body fat for 30 % consider those who suffer from obesity .

There are many different ways in which they can classification of obesity . In terms of obesity can be divided into simple obesity , secondary obesity , and obesity associated with eating certain types of drugs and medicines. Obesity is one of the growing health problems , as are the door to many life - threatening diseases , which may turn your life into a living hell.

Explains Dr. Ramen Goel , head of obesity surgery in Nova Specialty Surgery in Mumbai , 10 reasons of Ppelmama , Obesity can be injurious to health .

1 - Type II diabetes

Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes type II. Studies show that the more body weight for normal weight , the greater the risk of developing diabetes . It should be noted that the lack of discipline and control diabetes can Ontaada to serious complications, such as high blood pressure , heart attacks , strokes, kidney failure , blindness, nerve damage and amputation of limbs .

2 - heart attack

Associated with both obesity and weight gain many of the factors that increase an individual 's risk of heart disease and vascular (heart attack ). It also said that the rumen or obesity in the abdominal area and one of the main risk factors that lead to heart disease.

3 - high blood pressure

Weight gain associated with high blood pressure . As that being overweight raises the risk of high blood pressure. Thus, the weight loss can help restore blood pressure to normal level. There is no wonder that doctors advise those who suffer from high blood pressure, exercising , and maintaining an ideal body weight .

4 - syndrome sleep apnea

Cause obesity syndrome sleep apnea , where the patient is suffering from snoring and an inability to sleep , while the feel sleepy throughout the day. The problem is one of the problems related to the respiratory system , where breathing stops intermittently during sleep. In addition to the sleep - related issue , the patient may develop apnea syndrome during sleep , high blood pressure , heart failure , and other diseases .

5 - gout

Some studies have reported that obese person susceptible to gout ( a medical problem that affects the joints) 4 times more than those who do not suffer from overweight. For patients with gout , they suffer from high levels of uric acid , which causes inflammation, redness and pain in the joints. Through weight loss , can decrease levels of uric acid in the blood.

6 - high cholesterol levels

The high level of cholesterol , a major risk for weight gain. Where obesity is working on the increased levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in the body. In general , people who are obese , have low levels of good cholesterol . It is worth mentioning that the high levels of bad cholesterol , low cholesterol Djidwi the body of the main reasons for the hardening of the arteries , which leads to a narrow blood vessels , causing heart attacks .

7 - GERD Gastroesophageal

Recent research has reported that obesity, lead to increased incidence of infectious بارتجاع esophagus . The cause of obesity increase flashbacks because abdominal fat put pressure on a muscle in the lower part of the esophagus - the tube that is 10 inches long , and the linking throat, stomach , and prevents the stomach from acid reflux again. And cause the condition of stomach burning .


8 - Osteoporosis

Overweight adds pressure and additional loads on the joints such as the knees, and thus , they are considered a risk factor for osteoporosis. It should be noted that the increase in body weight , put more pressure and the load on the surfaces of the joints , which in turn infect damaged.

9 - Cancer

Medical Research concluded that obesity plays an important role in cancer , and that people who are obese more susceptible to cancer risk over their lives . Obese people also increase the chances of contracting cancer of the bowel, breast and esophagus .

10 - Heart Failure

Scientific research suggests all over the world that the increase in body mass index ( BMI ) are associated with an increased risk of heart failure .

Method to dry body fat + diet

Many members waiting for this very important topic in bodybuilding ......

Questions that I will answer them in this topic are as follows:

1 - the number of meals and snacks in this section of the diet ?

2 - System exercises " aerobics "?

3 - the technique used in the exercises of iron ?

4 - dietary supplements needed during drying ?

5 - What is the method to be followed to maintain muscle mass ?

Answers are as follows :

The first question : For a number of meals must be between 5 or 6 meals are as follows:

The first meal " 8 am ": Skimmed Milk Cup + 4-6 egg whites .
The second meal " 11 ": skimmed yogurt + piece option .
Meal Aiih " 2pm ": 2 chicken breast + authority dish .
Fourth meal " 5 pm " : half a small cup of orange juice + half a boiled potato .
Fifth meal " 7.30 pm " : Tuna tray with water + corn yellow.
Contraband : nuts ... desserts ... rice ... bread .. salt .. sugar.

Pets olive oil in small quantities.

Second question: caredo system , which must be practice should not be in it ran so many that must be done is not running, but scrambling for 2 kilometers in the middle of each week to only once .

And play 4 times Aerobic exercises every time 45 minutes and aerobics exercises are as follows: Swedish exercises in general .. scope ... cord up the stairs and coming off ... etc. .

Third question: technique that must be followed in iron exercises are as follows :

1 - play every day of the week except on the rest but in this day of our choosing to rest should practice the aerobics .

2 - the first day : Chest and Tri .
Day Two: Watts and appeared Bay.
Third day: comfort.
Fourth day: shoulders and forearms .
Day Five: legged full " Afajad the Samana " + stomach.
Sixth day: comfort.
And returns re - program ..............

3 - The system must be counting system many light weights so Llano the Elly Ptbda weight which is Nfsso , who Btantha at and preferably 65% of the maximum weight you can carry .

4 - large muscle : 5 rounds each exercise and each time the frequency of 15-20 Albanc uniforms .. back and Allaz the .. shoulders .. Alafajad .

5 - small muscles : 4 rounds each exercise and each time occurrences of Albay 12-15 costume .. triglyceride .. calves .. stomach .. wings .. .

6 - possible if the person Karsh Llano plays 4 times a week stomach exercises .

Fourth Question : For the most important supplements Shi in the drying period is burning fat and burning best about friends Hadricksa experience cut .

You can buy chrome from the pharmacy they are very help in burning fat.

Fifth question : to maintain muscle mass :

1 - If a person can buy Gelomattin
2 - If could not buy Gelomattin the must buy fish oil it maintains muscle mass, you can buy some vitamins beside him.

And if you did not choose one of two options I know you lost half the muscle mass .

Final tips :

1 - you've commented previously on the salt, the salt must take it , but quantities is very simple and very before the tournament with 3 days banned the use of salt because he locked up the water inside the body In the period before the tournament should not be discernible salt because it is through the chemical equation the water goes from the body during this period .

2 - For quantities of dietary supplements and dates taken this determined Alkaptin Default buy CMOS growth or according to the instructions written on the box .

3 - unspecified quantity of water , but the last 3 days , such as salt , but we must drink water " means the last 3 days for water ČÓ Mesh drink a lot because it helps in cleaning the body remains supplements " It's not like salt is strictly prohibited.

4 - This is followed by the program from 30-40 days and the body is 100 % dry...

Diet to have a male baby

 diet rich in sodium and potassium may help to determine the sex of the baby ( male baby or female)

Diet to be followed to have a male baby :
- Do not drink mineral water

Beverages : -
Pets tea , coffee , cola , fruit juice, fresh or canned
Dairy :
- Do not drink milk in all its forms _ liquid or powder full or low-fat
- Do not eat ( yogurt - yogurt) , yoghurt and cream and sauces containing milk and ice cream
Cheeses :
Banned all types( white and yellow and soft)
- Egg yolk is forbidden , but allowed whiteness
- Can be included in the preparation of food once a week
- Sauces and creams containing  egg yolk are banned
Baking and Pastry :
- Bread and toast be allowed of the moderate amounts , preferably white bread to brown bread full
- Do not eat , semolina, rice and pastries barley and Popcorn
- Cornflakes allowed
- Pasta allowed in moderate amounts
- Biscuits allowed except milk and cheese biscuits
Nuts and grains :
Prevent eating almonds , hazelnuts , walnuts , pistachios and pistachio
- Grains , dry vegetables ,all allowed except Chickpeas and sesame, sunflower
- Soy beans, in small quantities
- Prefer to eat white beans , peas and lentils
Baked :
- Allows eating sweets that do not contain any ( milk , egg yolk , chocolate, caramel and cocoa )
- Allowed eating biscuits , cakes, croissants, bread with bib , pies , fruit
- Allows eating honey , jam , jelly , sugar
- Prevents the intake of cocoa , chocolate and caramel
Fatty substances :
- allows eating butter , margarine and vegetable oils
- Favored eat eggplant , mushrooms, pumpkin  , tomatoes , legumes (such as beans , white beans )
- Allows for small quantities : artichokes , asparagus , chicory , broccoli , cucumber , zucchini , cabbage , corn , turnips , onions , parsley , peas
- Prevents eating Swiss chard , garlic, cress , spinach , beans, vegetables , leek , lettuce , broccoli
- Allowed certain Balah , figs , peaches, raisins , apricots , coconuts, chestnuts
- Are allowed in any quantity , cow , calf , sheep, goats , birds , chicken , preferably dried meat intake . , Smoked and salted
- Prefer to eat the internal organs , especially the liver and bone
- All fish are allowed in any quantity .
- Prefer to eat dried and salted fish and smoked
- Favored eating Alhnklys , haddock , herring , salmon , tuna , trout , Sagmra , Moreh ,
- Caviar allowed
- Prevents cancer eating  lobsters and prawns (shrimp ) and snails or allowed in very small amounts once a week
Must be a lot of salt , pickles , olives , mushrooms , ketchup .
- Allowed eating all types of soup and vinegar and canning
- All cooking methods are allowed ( grilled , poached , Rostow )
- Yeast food banned
This is a collection of important foods that help you to have a Male baby

child diet:A balanced diet for children between the first and second year

 children Consumes between the first and second year a lot of energy , and they need to take up nutrients and proteins in a balanced manner to ensure their healthy development .

You can provide your child a varied diet that contains the five food groups :
Bread , rice, potatoes and other starchy foods including yam ( sweet potato )
 this food group contribute in energy saving , and must constitute the main part of every meal. You can choose white bread and whole wheat bread .
Fruit and vegetable food group contributes to the provision of vitamins, minerals and fiber. You can make fruit at breakfast , vegetables and fruit for lunch and dinner. Children must be addressed between the first and second year 5 or more servings of fresh or frozen fruit , bottled or dried on a daily basis .
Meat , fish, eggs , beans and other protein sources Without dairy products such ( walnuts , almonds and other ) , lentils , dal lentils and tofu. Provide these types of food , iron and zinc . Advisable to eat foods from this group twice a day and eating oily fish once or twice a week .
Milk , cheese and yogurt. You can make 3 daily servings from this food group . child who is over the age of year needs the amount of milk is less than the younger the child , despite the importance of milk in this age. He needs to 3 cups of milk from 90 to 120 ml (3 to 4 ounces of liquid) . But, you have to give the child the amount of milk less if dealing with milk and cheese. Must stop using milk bottles from the age of the year , where you can give the child a full cow's milk instead of formula , but if the child is still dealing with his mother's milk .
Foods rich in fat  or sugar. The types of food this acceptable to children between the first and second year normally. It is not necessary to avoid these foods , but it is advisable to eat a minimum of them. You can always make candy in the main meals , but without allowing to it to be placed instead of other nutritious foods from other food groups .
Vitamin A supplementation and d . In the United Kingdom , it is advisable to children up to the age of five to take vitamin supplements that contain vitamins A and D because of the lack of access to an adequate amount of these vitamins in the food. Such supplements  help the growth of the child 's immune system as it ensures the growth of bones in a natural way .

You should avoid high - fat diets and salt and not to give the child between the first and second year dedicated to foods or slimming diet . The foods with low - calorie is not suitable for children due to its need for additional calories to promote growth. For foods and ready-made meals , preferably dealt with rare, unless they are prepared specifically for children . The best option is a healthy family food and useful . It is nutritious and economical , and allows you to prepare large quantities of meals and then divided into individual servings and store in the fridge and freezer .

The rules of proper diet to burn fat :the best diet you wishes

The rules of proper diet to burn fat :

1 - Trying to eat fruit in the late times instead of fatty meals , which may help to store fat , fruits easy when digestion and helps to reduce fat storage in the body.

2 - eating low- calorie soups and daily before food for the feeling of satiety .

3 - Avoid eating starchy foods rich in carbohydrates Such as potatoes, beans, lentils , couscous and brown rice ) after six o'clock in the evening .

4 - Trying to eat a large plate of salad vegetables before dinner to the fact that vegetable fiber that helps you feel full and helps to reduce fat storage in the body.

5 - Trying to eat small meals intermittent every two or three hours to reduce starve the body and maintain the body's ability to burn fat of the most important fundamentals of the food system that contributes to dissolve fat in two weeks and avoids sudden drop in energy due to starve the body .

6 -Have 30 minutes of exercise a day to help burn fat stored in the body .

7 - drink water frequently every two or three hours, drinking water helps a chemical reaction contributes to enable the body to extract nutrients from food and at the same time helps to burn excess fat in the body.

8 - always careful to follow the correct diet and try to avoid many of the common mistakes in the regulations food Other such as avoiding many of the important nutrients such as carbohydrates and starches...

this rules are important to burn fat to proper diet
at the end i wish to you get  the proper diet you want...

Diet to lose weight:to lose weight ( 1800 -2000 kcal)

Diet to lose weight ( 1800 kcal)

- Half a cup of milk or milk sugar-free ( low-fat ) .
- One boiled egg or 30 grams ( 2 tsp ) white cheese slice low-fat or low-fat cheese .
1 /8of brown bread , a quarter of white bread Vd .
- Pill fruit .
Fruit 3 pills pill unsweetened biscuits small in size.
- Green salad without fat.
- Vegetable soup without fat.
- 90 grams chicken or meat or fish without fat.
- ½ cup (6 tablespoons ) of rice or pasta , groats or for Vd bread .
- Pill fruit , half a cup of unsweetened juice .
Cup fresh unsweetened juice , 3 pills Biscuit unsweetened small in size.

- Green salad without fat.
- Vegetable soup without fat.
-90 Grams chicken or meat or fish (or 5 tablespoons bean without fat or low - fat white cheese ).
- Half a cup of rice or potato pieces medium or 1 /8 of bread Vd .
- One fruit .
Half a cup of milk or low - fat milk , fruit pill .

Diet to lose weight ( 2000 kcal)

Cup milk or milk without sugar, low - fat .
- One boiled egg or 30 grams ( 2 tablespoons ).
- White low - fat cheese or 2 slice low-fat cheese .
- 5 olives .
- Sliced ​​tomatoes or cucumbers or lettuce .
- One fruit .
One fruit - or half a cup of unsweetened juice .
Lunch: green salad without fat.
-90 Grams chicken or meat or fish without fat.
- Half a cup of cooked vegetables without fat.
- Three - quarters of a cup (8 tablespoons ) of rice or pasta .
-1 | 8  brown bread   or a quarter of white bread Vd .
- One fruit ,half cup fresh unsweetened juice .
½ cup unsweetened juice , fresh 3 biscuits beads is unsweetened small in size .
Dinner: - green salad without fat.
- Vegetable soup without fat.
- 90 g chicken or meat or fish means  half almost desist or (6 tablespoons bean without fat or low - fat white cheese )
- Three-quarters of a cup of rice or pasta or 1 /8 of bread  Vd .
- Half a cup of cooked vegetables without fat.
- One fruit or half a cup of fresh unsweetened juice .
Half a cup of milk low-fat, fruit pill .
The amount of 90 g= Half desist ..

- Half the vegetables cooked without fat .

I advise you that follow this diet without boring to lose the wight you want ...

Diet .................. Special diet for pregnant ...................... foods forbidden addressed to pregnant .................... . Proper foods for pregnant women

Prepare well for your diet, even if you eat properly

Since you are preparing to stage a day motherhood , it is important to do a lot of vitamins and minerals ( such as folic acid and iron ) and calories ( to some extent) and you are progressing in the stages of pregnancy .
If your diet is poor, is becoming increasingly important shift towards meals were delicious and nutritious and balanced . Cut down on foods is useful not only gives you the calories nutrient lacking or non-existent .
The body becomes more efficient when Waiting child , also takes better advantage of the energy that you get it through food. Usually, women do not need more calories during the first six months of pregnancy , and only about 200 extra calories a day between the third and seventh months of pregnancy. During the last three months of pregnancy, women need an additional 400 calories a day.
Equivalent to 200 calories :
• full two pieces of toast with jam , and half a cup of low - fat milk
• potato ( medium size) and 90 grams of grilled chicken breast
• full two slices of toast with 60 grams of low-fat cheese and half a cup of apple juice
The appetite that fluctuate and fluctuate during a pregnancy is the best indicator of the amount of food that you need :
• may impair your appetite in the first few weeks a lot , you do not feel you eat proper meals , especially if you suffer from disgust and nausea.
• In the middle of the journey of pregnancy , probably remain your appetite as it was before pregnancy or slightly increasing .
• You're going towards the final stage , multiply the chances of increased appetite. But if you suffer from heartburn or a feeling of fullness after eating, you workout multiple small meals and that may help .
The best rule in mind is to eat when you feel hungry . Do not worry about changing levels of appetite as long given advice about the types of foods that you need and getting your weight at a reasonable rate monitored by your doctor or midwife.

Eat the right kinds of fish

 We recommend that pregnant women and children who are under 16 years not to eat shark, swordfish , marlin , because they may contain unsafe levels of mercury natural .
It also recommends that pregnant women and nursing mothers or women planning to birth , not to eat more than 4 cans of tuna measurement center or two pieces of fresh tuna per week. We mean this advice two packets of tuna measuring the middle weighing each and every one of them 140 grams when cooking and 170 grams , which is raw. There are many options available from the fresh fish market and famous
Fish contains proteins, minerals, and vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids , which your child is unable to take advantage of them if it abstained completely. Know more about the benefits of fish for the growth of the fetus and how to introduce a balanced and appropriate quantity of fish to your diet .

Some foods are prohibited

During pregnancy, you should avoid the following foods :
• uncooked seafood such as oysters or sushi is frozen .
• white cheese , rotting , and blue , soft and rotten to slash blue . All of these species may contain " Listeria " , a bacteria that can harm your baby .
• well- cooked foods such as meat , chicken, and eggs ( you cook the meat to disappear any part pink , and eggs until it becomes rigid ) . All of them can be a source of bacteria harmful to an unborn baby
• We also must stay away from the liver and its derivatives such as liver sausage , for the possibility they contain large amounts of vitamin A retinol , which may affect doing it too much negative impact on the development of the fetus .
• It is important for some women to avoid peanuts and foods that contain it . If you or your spouse or any of the children have allergies such as hay fever , asthma or eczema , stay away from peanuts during pregnancy and breast-feeding reduces the chances of having a baby with a severe allergy to peanuts .
• may want to reduce the consumption of caffeine. Maybe this is it easy for women dealing with during the first stage of pregnancy , but this case does not apply to everyone. Why caffeine is considered a potential source of problems? Research has linked the consumption of more than 500 mg of this article a day and increase the likelihood of miscarriage or the birth of low- weight baby . Dry securing this aspect , you must abide by not more than three cups of instant coffee , or six cups of tea. Although there is no conclusive evidence that caffeine consumption in reasonable quantities can harm your baby , perhaps better shift to hot drinks and Coca-Cola .

Eat a vitamin and mineral tablets suitable for the pre - natal period

In an ideal world free of morning sickness and symptoms of food , it becomes a balanced diet summary of what you expect pregnant they need . But in the real world , you may believe tablets additional vitamins and minerals for pregnant women to meet their food needs .  ask your doctor about the need to pills , vitamins and minerals .
Folic acid is one of the disks that are dealt with is particularly important before getting pregnant and during the first three months of it. The B vitamin deficiency has to do with neural tube defects at birth , such as steel or spina bifida Ashram ( while not the backbone closes completely). Women are advised to take 0.4 mg (400 micro grams ) of folic acid in the form of tablets since planning to give birth until the twelfth week of pregnancy.
Some experts advise that taken from tablets containing 5 micro grams of vitamin D a day and that you can get through 3 cups of vitamin D fortified milk . If you do not you get a sufficient amount of sunlight on your skin , you may put yourself at risk of vitamin D deficiency . Visit your doctor about to get personal advice in this regard.
In later pregnancy, some women need to iron tablets . Is measured by the proportion of iron in your body throughout pregnancy , the doctor or midwife advise your additional individual needs .
If you are a strict vegetarian , or you have a specific health status , such as diabetes or gestational diabetes or preeclampsia , or anemia or a history of low birth weight , talk with your doctor or midwife about special disks that may need it .
However , remember that a lot of thing sometimes to the detriment : vitamin A pills , which may contain retinol , the animal form of vitamin A, can be toxic for you and your baby if consumed in large quantities . The vitamin A , which contains carotene type plant is safe in pregnancy. The high doses of most vitamins and minerals carry the possibility of damage to you and your child's growth .

Do not try to lose weight during pregnancy

The diets during pregnancy a source of danger to you and your child's development . Some diets lacking in iron , folic acid , and others a lot of important vitamins and minerals . Always remember that weight gain is a positive signs of pregnancy health .
The women who eat well and earn an appropriate weight , often give birth to healthy babies . If you eat whole , fresh foods and increase your weight , relax because your body will increase the magnitude !
If you are overweight , you can improve your diet by moving away from prepared foods and during exercise (but check with your doctor first in this regard ). Research has shown that in such circumstances, it is not getting more secure of kilograms or even less of your weight during pregnancy , because the fat stored in your body , your baby will provide the necessary calories .
Gradually increase the weight

Vary the process of increasing weight among persons associated with many factors . Clinics no longer prenatal care measure the weight of pregnant women as there is no conclusive evidence on the effect of weight gain in particular on child health .
It seems that the rate of weight gain during pregnancy is between 8 and 15 kg. Focus on the need to address the health food of a lot of carbohydrates , fruits and vegetables and a moderate amount of protein and little fat and sugars.
The importance of weight gain , such as the importance of an average year. Weights of most women increases slightly in the first stage of pregnancy and rises steadily registered the highest rate in the third phase which is more periods in which the fetus grows .

I eat several meals every few hours

Even if you do not feel hungry , your baby may be hungry, so try to eat every four hours. If morning sickness (or all day ) or lack of desire for food or heartburn or indigestion make eating a chore annoying , you may see the solution easier to eat five or six small meals instead of three main meals .
Remember that your child is in the process of growth and food needs to be constantly, so do not miss meals offer .

Treat yourself and enjoy food and drink on special occasions

You do not have to cut off completely with all your favorite foods just because you're pregnant. But we must not be modified foods , fast food and candy sugar - saturated Gen. basis for your diet. You can eat a banana as a snack instead of luxury ice cream , or drink iced fruit instead of the canned apricots in sugar juice . Do not feel guilty if swallowed pills on one occasion biscuits .

Diet:Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity

Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity forms constitute the main risk factors that lead to chronic disease.Reports of international and national experts and studies that reviewed the current scientific evidence recommends reaching certain levels with regard to nutrient intake for the prevention of chronic diseases.

It should be, with respect to diet, to include recommendations addressed to the population groups and individuals following points:To achieve the Diet high-value

Achieve energy balance and maintain a healthy weight
Reduction of energy intake of total fat and a shift from consumption of saturated fats to unsaturated fats and the trend towards getting rid of trans fat
Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, beans and grain non-demineralized bran and nuts
Reducing the consumption of free sugars
Reducing the consumption of salt (sodium) from all sources and ensure that the consumer salt iodine.

And improve eating habits does not represent individual problem, but a problem for society as a whole. Therefore, it requires a multi-sectoral approach to population and the terms of reference and fits the prevailing cultural conditions. Until we get to the best diet...

Lose weight by a complete diet for 4 weeks:we share you the best

Basic information before you follow any diet to lose weight

Before you follow any system for weight loss is necessary to ensure suitability for the state of health ,   thorough medical examination , and make some laboratory tests ,this are some tips that should be followed with any diet ..

Regularity to eat three meals (best to lose weight)
You should eat three meals without deleting any meal, but  the time between meals not less than  five hours , and the food item can be deleted or more of any meal, but you can not delete the meal itself .

Switching between meals allowed
It is possible replace  the dinner meal by salad green or fresh fruit allowed , without that detracting from the effectiveness of the diet, can also be re- food meal at night instead of dinner, as well as can be replaced lunch dinner .

Some systems also feature the possibility of eating any food amounts of nutrients listed  , as long as you do not specify quantities , provided they do not add any food item not mentioned the meal .

Fluid intake is essential in the diet ..very important to lose weight
Must drink 2 cups of water before each meal , the greater the intake of water , the better , as is recommended to take large amounts of liquids allowed during the process of weight loss , and these fluids; are: water, tea,  , coffee, hibiscus , peppermint, cinnamon , Aletilio , star anise , lemon juice .. The Eating Diet vessels can father, and should preferably be tea without milk , but is not allowed to use regular sugar or fructose sweetener, and can be replaced by alternative sugars ; such as : Diet Sweet , Alkndrell ... Etc. .

Can be replaced salad by  vegetables poached
Some people prefer not to take salad, and in this case can be replaced salad  vegetables poached ; but prevents eating onions, carrots and peppers by salad, and can be eating with vegetables cooked only on the condition that the vegetables boiled water only , and forbidden potatoes, taro, and legumes such as peas and beans and chickpeas, lentils, thermos beans , and prevents the use stock fresh and cubes the like Almagi and others .

Starches can be replaced with each other and each other proteins
Meat, can bungle , can replace meat with fish or chicken grilled or boiled , taking into account that the meat completely free of fat, and that the chicks skinned , and forbidden mutton , and the tuna must drain completely from oil and rinsed with vinegar .

Starches can replace each other , it can be replace rice with pasta , or vice versa, taking into account not add margarine or oil or butter to the food, but allowed Add salt, pepper and spices and lemon .

Eating fresh vegetables between meals allowed ..lose weight
When you feel hungry can eat cucumbers and lettuce between meals , but completely prevent eating fruits between meals only when you feel very tired , and in this case could be dealt with the fruit of grapefruit, must also bear in mind that there are some fruits are prohibited during the diet ; are:  , mango , figs, bananas, apricots , grapes, , cream , and cherries .

Install the necessary weight after diet
Must be taken not to retrieve the lost weight after slimming process(lose weight) ; because this is harmful to health , and therefore must follow Cruise weight after the completion of the slimming process
in the end I hope you lose weight you want...